Prison Lab Anime: Revenge, Bullying, and Dark Desires

prison lab anime

Everyone has experienced bullying in some form or another, and what if you had the chance to turn the tables on your bully? Imagine being able to imprison them and even potentially profit from it. This tantalizing concept is at the core of the gripping manga and anime series, Prison Lab. While it may be billed as psychological horror, it delves into the realm of incel fantasy with a unique twist.

The Captivity Game: A Vengeful Opportunity

Eyama, the main character, is relentlessly bullied by his classmates, particularly Aya, his former friend turned popular girl. One fateful evening, Eyama receives a letter inviting him to participate in “The Captivity Game.” This sinister game offers him the chance to hold his chosen victim captive for four weeks, subjecting them to any torment he desires, as long as they don’t die. Failure to keep them alive would result in Eyama becoming an indentured servant until the debt is paid. Determined to seek revenge, Eyama selects Aya as his victim, disregarding the potential consequences.

The Dark Truth: Victims and Tormentors Unleashed

To Eyama’s surprise, he is taken to a secluded compound where Aya is chained in a dingy room, stripped of her former glory. Eyama is granted free rein to do as he pleases with her, but with a single condition: Aya must guess his name correctly to secure her freedom. However, Aya astutely guesses his name right away, prompting Eyama to break her jaw to prevent her from speaking it. The compound also houses three other players with their own victims and motivations. Yoshino seeks retribution against her former employer, who sexually harassed her. Seiji, a desperate father burdened with his daughter’s medical bills, targets Erika, who willfully embraces punishment to atone for her affair. Behind the scenes, The Organization manipulates their lives, leading to internal conflicts among its members.

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Shedding Light on Bullying and Toxic Work Culture

Bullying is an issue that should never be dismissed lightly, regardless of gender or age. Sadly, it thrives in many countries, even within workplaces. Prison Lab portrays Eyama’s motivations for his actions, fueled by the deep scars left by his tormentors. The manga does an excellent job illustrating the impact of bullying on mental health and subsequent life choices. Personally, I can relate to this as I, too, once experienced bullying. Although I felt powerless at the time, my bully later confessed to having feelings for me. However, resorting to physical violence was never the answer. Prison Lab explores similar themes, highlighting the lack of emotional expression education provided to children.

Unsettling Incel Nonsense: A Lack of Redemption

However, despite its thought-provoking exploration of bullying, Prison Lab falls short in some aspects. Eyama lacks depth and perpetually adopts the role of a victim, even when his actions contribute to his predicament. For instance, his suspicious behavior around Aya’s house leads to him being wrongly accused of her kidnapping. To make matters worse, he later engages in a sexual relationship with Yoshino, an older woman who takes him in. This unsettling subplot aligns with the “Pussy Pass Revoked” mentality found on certain online platforms. It promotes the idea of women receiving their deserving punishment without genuine justification. While Aya’s torment may invite sympathy, other female characters also endure similar suffering for no apparent reason. In contrast, male characters face swift and less severe consequences, despite being victims of more heinous crimes.

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A Lackluster Cast: Villains and Anti-Heroes Abound

Prison Lab presents a cast of characters that fail to inspire genuine likability. Aya, the primary tormentor, subjects Eyama and his peers to relentless abuse, pushing them to the brink of suicide. Only in the story’s final moments does she receive a backstory that attempts to evoke sympathy. However, this late revelation does little to redeem her character in the eyes of readers. It is akin to discovering the traumatic childhood of a serial killer—while it may explain their actions, it fails to absolve them of their crimes. Yoshino targets a man who sexually harasses women, yet she herself engages in a sexual relationship with a teenager and carries the burden of matricide. Even Seiji and Erika, who initially seem more sympathetic, exhibit moments of reprehensible behavior as the story progresses. Unfortunately, this leaves readers apathetic towards the entire cast, both villains and heroes alike.

When Dark Desires Overshadow Originality

As a fan of manga, anime, and comics that revolve around flawed protagonists, I have always been drawn to morally ambiguous characters. However, Prison Lab takes this darkness to an excessive extreme. The series lacks a compelling reason for its characters to exhibit such extreme cruelty. Moreover, the rushed introduction of the omnipotent and all-knowing Organization, coupled with hasty attempts at redemption, fails to breathe life into the concept. If you are interested in similar themes, I would recommend checking out Btooom!, which explores a similar concept of society’s outcasts being imprisoned on an island and forced to kill each other. Unlike Prison Lab, it avoids the pitfalls of incel ideology.

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Artistry Amidst Disappointments

While Prison Lab features some remarkable artwork, showcasing the talents of the illustrator, it is marred by an excessive focus on BDSM incel revenge art. Sadly, this detracts from the overall experience. The story itself lacks any significant twists, with predictable outcomes telegraphed chapters in advance. Although originality is not a prerequisite, Prison Lab fails to add a unique spin to its concept, leaving readers yearning for more. Thus, I recommend investing your time elsewhere, unless you have a penchant for mediocre manga.

If you’re hungry for more thrilling tales, you can explore some of my short stories at 12 AM Fiction. Additionally, if you’re a vampire enthusiast, don’t miss out on my web serial, Exsanguinate, or discover the exciting world of professional wrestling on the Powerbomb Jutsu podcast. Follow me, @OriginalKingD, for a variety of thrilling experiences!

Remember, bullies may exist, but it is how we rise above their cruelty and promote empathy that truly defines us. Don’t let your desire for revenge blind you to the importance of compassion and understanding. Let’s create a society where everyone can thrive without fear!