Kokkoku Episode 7: A Thrilling Premiere with Time-Stopping Twists

kokkoku episode 7

What’s it about? 22-year-old Juri Yukawa longs for independence and a job of her own. But when her brother and nephew are kidnapped, she must rely on her grandfather to navigate a world of stopped time called “Stasis.” However, they’re not the only ones capable of moving within this realm.

This premiere wastes no time in delivering a gripping story. By the end of the episode, we’ve witnessed a kidnapping, a ransom demand, and two intense fight scenes. Yet, there’s more to come as monsters and spirits join the mix.

Despite the show’s ambition, I can’t help but feel that there might be too much happening all at once. While the underlying theme explores a dysfunctional family that pulls together when faced with adversity, the plot throws three different conflicts our way simultaneously: kidnappers, mysterious individuals after Juri’s grandfather, and supernatural entities.

Maintaining such a breakneck pace is unsustainable for any show, which makes the future of KOKKOKU hinge on how it manages to balance its storyline in the next couple of episodes. Additionally, the sound design needs improvement; the relentless, shrill opening theme is off-putting. That being said, the CGI used on the eerie and otherworldly creatures is well-executed. Floating, time-stopped bees add to the show’s distinct atmosphere, albeit under the assumption of limited resources.

Fortunately, Juri makes for a strong and relatable protagonist. Her ambition, grounded nature, and justified resentment towards her father and brother make her an engaging character. She’s not only destined to inherit special powers but also to become the savior of her family, presenting the potential for an enthralling thriller plot.

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However, a few elements in the background of this episode left me uneasy. While Juri admires her mother and sister, who are portrayed positively as a single mother, they receive minimal screen time. Instead, the focus gravitates towards Juri’s relationships with her male family members: her father, grandfather, brother, and nephew. It feels like a missed opportunity to introduce these intriguing female characters and then swiftly shift to Stasis, restricting Juri from interacting with them for the foreseeable future.

Furthermore, the ending credits tease the introduction of another significant female character in the next episode. Disappointingly, these same credits feature numerous images of both this unknown woman and Juri in various states of undress. This distasteful ending contrasts with the premiere, which thankfully avoided unnecessary fanservice. It’s too early to determine if this voyeuristic approach will persist throughout the series or if it’s merely an attempt to fulfill a fanservice quota beyond the actual content. Regardless, combined with the scarcity of female characters, it raises cautious eyebrows. Hopefully, the show’s narrative can do justice to the compelling women it has introduced.

Overall, Kokkoku Episode 7 leaves a strong first impression with its fast-paced, time-bending storyline and a relatable protagonist in Juri. While certain aspects warrant improvement, such as the sound design and the treatment of female characters, the potential for an engaging and intriguing plot remains. Let’s hope that the show finds its footing in the upcoming episodes and lives up to our high expectations.
