Osamu Dazai (Bungo Stray Dogs)

osamu dazai (bungo stray dogs)

It’s time to introduce the very first Bungo Stray Dogs character to our Fecomic brand. Osamu Dazai takes the spotlight as our first feature. He is by far the most popular character in the anime and manga world, receiving numerous requests for a workout routine to be added to our Anime Workouts Database.

Dazai may not possess immense strength or powers that contribute to a challenging workout routine, but he does possess unique abilities that make his training experience fun. Furthermore, many of you aspire to achieve the lean and slim physique that he sports.

Considering his stats, Dazai stands at an impressive 5’11” but weighs only 147 lbs. This means we’ll be focusing on slimming down and toning up, rather than bulking up. So, if you’re not the same height or weight range as Dazai, don’t worry! Our routines are designed to be utilized by anyone and everyone.

Osamu Dazai Inspired Workout Routine

Diet and Nutrition

Keep in mind that this section will be nearly identical for each hero. Every hero needs to maintain a balanced diet. While we can’t gain their powers or stop caring about nutrition magically, it’s important to understand that we can’t out-train a bad diet. So, let me give you some pillars for nutrition.

For example, Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart incorporate 80/20 dieting with big weekly cheat meals, while Hugh Jackman, Tom Hopper, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Terry Crews practice intermittent fasting. There are also vegans like Ariana Grande, Mustafa Shakir, and Madelaine Petsch, and paleo followers like Brandon Routh and Frank Grillo. The key is finding a sustainable approach that works for you.

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Routine Research

Dazai possesses a unique ability called “No Longer Human,” which allows him to nullify others’ abilities on contact. This ability may not contribute directly to our workout routine, but it highlights his membership in the Armed Detective Agency. While Dazai’s genius-level intellect, negotiation skills, dexterity, and heart rate manipulation make him a formidable character, we’re primarily interested in his physical prowess.

In terms of physical skills, Dazai has fair-to-middling hand-to-hand combat skills, but his nullification ability compensates for that. He can momentarily hold his own against Chūya, the most physically gifted member of the mafia, by predicting and defending against his moves. Dazai also utilizes his resources to fend off opponents.

To achieve the goals of our Osamu Dazai Inspired Workout Routine, which include obtaining Dazai’s lean and slim physique, moderate strength and speed, and hand-to-hand combat body control, we’ll focus on calisthenics training.

Workout Routine

Training Volume: 3-5 days per week

We’ll be using a basic calisthenics routine that can be scaled up based on your fitness level. Additionally, there will be an optional endurance work or HIIT day, as well as a circuit test that you can do periodically. Let’s take a look at the sample schedule:

  • Monday: Armed Detective Calisthenics A
  • Tuesday: No Longer Human Circuit Test
  • Wednesday: Armed Detective Calisthenics B
  • Thursday: Optional Endurance Work or HIIT
  • Friday: Armed Detective Calisthenics C
  • Saturday: Optional Bonus Training Day
  • Sunday: Rest Day

Armed Detective Calisthenics A

Warm Up:

  • 25 Jumping Jacks
  • 25 High Knees


  • Air Squats: 3×20
  • Push Ups/Knee Push Ups: 3×15
  • Chair Dips: 3×10
  • Pike Push Ups (or Assisted Chin Ups): 3×8
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Optional Core Work:

  • V-Ups: 3×15
  • Lying Leg Raises: 3×10

No Longer Human Circuit Test

Complete 2 rounds for time:

  • Run 400m
  • 30 Mountain Climbers
  • 25 Air Squats
  • 20 Push Ups
  • 15 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Dips
  • 5 Chin Ups

Armed Detective Calisthenics B

Warm Up:

  • 25 Jumping Jacks
  • 25 High Knees


  • Glute Bridges: 3×20
  • Push Ups/Knee Push Ups: 3×15
  • Plank to Push Ups: 3×10
  • Assisted Pull Ups or Wall Climbs: 3×8

Optional Core Work:

  • Sit Ups: 3×15
  • Russian Twists: 3×20

Optional Endurance Work or HIIT

You have several options for your endurance or HIIT day. You can choose to follow the recommended run distances based on your fitness level or complete 45-60+ minutes of varied cardio exercises. Alternatively, you can refer to the provided HIIT training resources.

Armed Detective Calisthenics C

Warm Up:

  • 25 Jumping Jacks
  • 25 High Knees


  • Lunges: 3×20 (total)
  • Push Ups/Knee Push Ups: 3×15
  • Chair Dips: 3×10
  • Pike Push Ups (or Assisted Chin Ups): 3×8

Optional Core Work:

  • Knee Tucks: 3×15
  • Flutter Kicks: 3×50

Additional Training Resources

For those who want to take their training further, we have additional resources available for you:

  • Parkour Training Resources
  • Main MMA Training Resources
  • Other MMA Training Resources

Remember, the Osamu Dazai Inspired Workout Routine is beginner-friendly, but you can always scale up or modify exercises based on your fitness level. Experiment, have fun, and stay committed throughout your fitness journey.

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