Rurouni Kenshin Reboot: A Controversial Comeback

rurouni kenshin reboot

Dear fellow manga and anime enthusiasts,

Get ready because a highly anticipated anime season is just around the corner, and one show that stands out for fans of a certain generation is the much-awaited reboot of Rurouni Kenshin. Premiering on July 7th and running for two consecutive cours, this classic series from the early 2000s is making a comeback. While it may bring back nostalgic memories for many, there are some important things to consider before delving back into this beloved franchise.

Let me take you back to 2002, a transformative time in my life. As I delved deeper into my Christian faith, I not only studied the Bible but also sought guidance from various sources, including non-Christian media. Surprisingly, it was through anime that I encountered two characters who exemplified Christlike actions: Vash the Stampede from Trigun and Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin.

In Kenshin, I found a man who followed a non-violent path in the pursuit of justice, using his unsharpened sword to turn the hearts of his enemies. Scarred and battered, he fought to protect those he loved. This depiction deeply resonated with me and brought my faith to life in unexpected ways. The well-written story, suspenseful plot, and exhilarating action only made the experience more captivating.

Considering my personal connection to the series, you would think I would be excited for the new reboot, especially since it may conclude the manga run in a more satisfying manner than the original series did. However, something terrible happened that changed my perspective.

In 2017, the creator of Rurouni Kenshin, Nobuhiro Watsuki, was discovered to possess a collection of DVDs containing child pornography featuring children in their early adolescence. This shocking revelation led to the hiatus of the new Rurouni Kenshin arc, and Watsuki faced legal consequences in 2018—a mere fine of 200,000 yen (approximately $1,500).

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The punishment seemed insignificant, especially when considering the lifelong impact on the victims of such heinous crimes. By continuing to support the series, we indirectly contribute to the royalties received by Watsuki. Although he may prosper financially, the victims will forever bear the scars of the abuse inflicted upon them.

As individuals created in the image of Christ, we must recognize the immense value of every human life. Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of children, declaring, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).

The issues surrounding Watsuki’s actions extend beyond one individual. However, at the very least, what we can do as a site is refrain from promoting someone who has shown such disregard for the well-being of children. Hence, you will not find coverage of the new Rurouni Kenshin series here on Fecomic.

But what about you? Should you boycott the show as well? Is watching it a sin? These are crucial questions that each individual must reflect upon. I urge you to consider the impact of your media choices—what does it mean to support a particular series? Am I unknowingly contributing to something morally reprehensible? Does the entertainment outweigh the moral implications? Will watching this show lead me into temptation?

Direct these questions toward the new Rurouni Kenshin anime, especially the first two. Seek guidance through prayer and scripture, allowing your Christian faith to guide your decisions. We are not here to pass judgment or impose guilt upon you. Instead, we encourage you to provide thoughtful consideration to the heart of the matter.

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Dear friends, let us take our media choices seriously, for they shape our thoughts and actions. Our entertainment should align with the values we hold as followers of Christ. As the upcoming summer anime season approaches, let our viewing habits be a reflection of who we are in Him.

God bless you all.
