Da Vinci Fate: Discovering Art and History in the World of Fate Grand/Order

da vinci fate

(Source: Aniplex)

In Fate Grand/Order, the popular mobile game developed by Delightworks, players are tasked with saving the world alongside historical figures and legends. But these historical figures often have unexpected twists. For example, the famous shogunate swordsman Okita Souji is transformed into a female character without explanation. However, beyond the surface-level anime images, the game cleverly incorporates historical facts into the design of its characters, allowing players to learn about art history while playing.

One notable example of this is Leonardo da Vinci. In the game, Leonardo is depicted as a female character, with the explanation that her pursuit of perfection and beauty led her to redesign her body into the Mona Lisa. She even has an obsession with the famous painting.

Mona Lisa

Left: Mona Lisa by Shimokoshi (image: Aniplex) Right: Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci in the Louvre

Fate also features a variety of art-related items called “craft essences” that provide players with special effects during battles. While most of these craft essences have no historical basis, there is one exception: the Mona Lisa.

During a time-limited event called “Da Vinci and the Seven Counterfeit Servants,” players could collect Leonardo’s famous manuscripts and counterfeit copies of his masterpieces and writings to earn special craft essences inspired by famous artworks.

For example, collecting Leonardo’s manuscripts would reward players with “Maiden Leading Chaldea,” inspired by Delacroix’s “Liberty Leading the People.” In this artwork, the iconic Liberty has been replaced by Joan of Arc, known as Jeanne D’Arc in the Fate universe. The flag held by Jeanne in the painting serves as an inspiration for the in-game army, similar to how Liberty’s flag inspired France. The artwork also features Gilles De Rais, a historical figure who fought alongside Jeanne but later became a convicted child serial killer. This dark version of Gilles represents the Bluebeard fairytale.

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Maiden Leading Chaldea

Left: Maiden Leading Chaldea by pako (image: Aniplex) Right: Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix in the Louvre

The event also featured “The Merciless One,” based on Michelangelo’s Pietà, which showcases Jeanne D’Arc Alter cradling Gilles de Rais before his descent into evil.

The Merciless One

Left: The Merciless One by Aoi Tsukimoto (image: Aniplex) Right: Pietà by Michelangelo, in the Apostolic Palace

Another craft essence, “The Scholars of Chaldea,” is inspired by Raphael’s “The School of Athens” and features Dr. Roman and Leonardo as the renowned minds who will save the world.

The Scholars of Chaldea

Left: The Scholars of Chaldea by Cherokee (image: Aniplex) Right: The School of Athens by Raphael in the Apostolic Palace

Apart from the crafting essences, Fate also features side quests involving Leonardo da Vinci. While fictional, these quests contain references to lesser-known facts and paintings from the artist’s life.

In one quest, Leonardo accompanies players to London and mentions that she was the model for Raphael’s archangel in Verrocchio’s painting, which is believed to be “Tobias and the Angel” in the National Gallery. Although there is no historical evidence to support Leonardo’s claim as a model, it is possible that Leonardo assisted in the painting process, making it his earliest work as a painter.

Tobias and the Angel by Andrea del Verrocchio in the National Gallery London

In another quest, players visit the British Museum to see “Mikey” (Michelangelo), the only appearance of Michelangelo in Fate so far. Leonardo speaks fondly of him, considering him a dear friend and the only person who could rival her genius. However, players must defeat Michelangelo’s ghost in battle, as he cannot return in the future. This quest is a reference to the rivalry between Leonardo and Michelangelo in real life, as they were both renowned artists of the Renaissance period.

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Furthermore, Leonardo’s side quests mention her mother and the painting “Virgin of the Rocks.” Leonardo’s narrative suggests a fictional story where she brought her mother to stay with her in Milan, inadvertently shortening her mother’s life. In reality, there is little known about Leonardo’s mother, but she is believed to have visited him in Milan before her death. Some theories propose that Leonardo’s mother served as the inspiration for the Mona Lisa, which Leonardo denies in Fate, although she adds that her mother had a wonderful smile.

Another interesting aspect of Fate’s portrayal of Leonardo is her relationship with her assistant, Gian Giacomo Caprotti, also known as Salaì. Leonardo frequently mentions Salaì in her journals, documenting his mischievous behavior and the damages he caused. Despite this, Salaì lived with Leonardo for thirty years and was even mentioned in Leonardo’s will. In Fate, Salaì appears as a ghost, and players must defeat him as well.

Lastly, Fate introduces a second version of Leonardo da Vinci called Da Vinci Lily, who is a reference to Leonardo’s unfinished masterpiece, Gran Cavallo. Leonardo’s original plan was to create the largest equine statue ever, but he never completed it. In the game, Da Vinci Lily commands an armored vehicle known as the Shadow Border, which bears similarities to an armored tank design found in Leonardo’s journals.

Gran Cavallo

(Source: Aniplex)

Da Vinci Lily also has her own version of the Mona Lisa called Bella Lisa.

In conclusion, while not every character in Fate is historically accurate, the depiction of Leonardo da Vinci showcases a loving homage to the life and work of the universal genius. Through Fate Grand/Order, players have the opportunity to learn about art history and explore the fascinating world of Leonardo da Vinci.

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(Source: Aniplex)