A Couple Of Cuckoos Sousuke

a couple of cuckoos sousuke

At the end of Nagi and Hiro’s conversation on the balcony, the topic of Sachi arises. It seems that Sachi’s behavior has been a little strange lately, and she appears to be in love with Nagi. This revelation feels like a betrayal to Sachi, but I understand why Hiro wants to address it. He’s tired of the stagnant situation and wants to push things forward. Sachi’s indecisiveness is an obstacle to progress, so it’s only natural for Hiro to confront her.

Nagi, who was raised in humble circumstances, is taken aback when faced with the outdoor “bath,” where he meets the vastness of the Pacific Ocean wearing nothing but his birthday suit. The tension escalates when Erika unexpectedly shows up. The show even hints that she might be naked too, covering her top and bottom with Sobasshi stickers.

As it turns out, Erika is perfectly fine bathing with Nagi because she’s wearing a swimsuit, as one should when using an outdoor hot tub. She didn’t realize Nagi hadn’t received the memo. Until that moment, she was content to enjoy these moments of relaxation in the hot tub with her friends.


Later that night, Erika remembers that there are only two double beds in the house. It seems odd that this issue hadn’t been addressed earlier, considering the large sofa in the living room. Nagi is concerned about sleeping on the sofa due to his fear of spiders. Instead, they draw straws to determine who will share a bed with Nagi, a contrived solution given the circumstances.

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Nagi and Sachi end up sharing a bed, but Sachi insists on claiming 60% of the bed for herself. Erika and Hiro share the other bed, but before going to sleep, they engage in a spirited game of Twister followed by a bubble bath. Hiro confides in Erika that she has never met her fiancé and has no interest in him. In a sleepy daze, Hiro asks Erika if she can “have” Nagi, leaving the question unanswered.


Hiro’s directness in expressing her desire to be with Nagi and her assertiveness towards the other girls is evident. She might still be Nagi’s number one choice, but the situation remains complicated. Between his intimate time in the hot tub with Erika and his inability to sleep properly when sharing a bed with Sachi, Nagi finds himself caught in a web of emotions.

That brings us to the morning when a tired Nagi finds Erika contemplating the Twister game and bubble bath from the previous night. The four of them search the house together and discover other items that connect Erika and Sousuke, indicating their past visits to this place as a family. When Nagi finds save data from a video game they played together just three days ago, he impulsively rushes out of the house in search of Sousuke, for some inexplicable reason.


Three days is a significant amount of time. If Sousuke wasn’t staying at the house when Erika and the others arrived, why would he still be in town? It would make more sense for him to stay with the family rather than getting a hotel. Erika chases after Nagi, suddenly feeling apprehensive about reuniting with Sousuke, even though her efforts on Instagram were primarily directed at him.

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Nagi takes Erika’s hand and assures her that there’s nothing to fear. He promises to be by her side when they finally meet Sousuke. To their disappointment, Sousuke is nowhere to be found, and no one in town has seen him either. At this point, I’m not entirely convinced that he even exists. It could all be another strange game orchestrated by Erika’s dad, who knows what hotel magnates are capable of.

Furthermore, Nagi and Erika completely abandon Hiro and Sachi for the entire day, leaving them behind without explanation. That doesn’t seem right! With only two episodes left, there are so many unanswered questions. Does Sousuke really exist? And if he does, how will he react to reuniting with Erika? Hiro made a bold request, asking Erika if she could have Nagi, and that question is left hanging. The last two episodes have quite a lot of ground to cover!

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