A Harem In The Fantasy World Dungeon: Exploring New Horizons!

A Harem in the Fantasy World Dungeon Volume 4 Chapter 1 Part 2

Finally, after a fierce battle, all three Slow Rabbits lay defeated. As their bodies vanished into thin air, leaving only their Rabbit Furs behind, something caught my eye. Instead of a third fur, there was a small, shining pebble lying a short distance away. Curiosity piqued, I turned to Roxanne for an explanation.

“Master, you found a Skill Crystal!” Roxanne exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. Skill Crystals were rare items that bestowed various skills onto weapons and equipment.

With Identify confirming Roxanne’s words, I marveled at the rarity of this drop. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect such a simple monster to yield such a valuable item. Skill Crystals were highly sought after by adventurers and explorers, and now I understood why. This find could fetch a hefty price on the market. Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to sell it. After all, I wanted to experience the power and possibilities it held firsthand.

As Roxanne and I discussed the intricacies of fusing the Skill Crystal, I learned that success depended on finding a Master Smith—a title exclusively held by dwarves. The odds seemed stacked against us, but I remained determined. Little did I know that fate had a surprise in store.

“Eh? What’s happening?” Roxanne exclaimed, her voice brimming with astonishment. The color of my Magic Crystal had changed from green to yellow during our post-Labyrinth equipment inspection. Yellow Magic Crystals were worth a small fortune, and this sudden transformation opened up incredible opportunities for us.

This was the chance I had been waiting for. With the money from selling the Yellow Magic Crystal, I could afford to purchase a new slave—specifically a Dwarven slave with the coveted Master Smith Job. Vale’s Slave Merchant held the key to our future expansion, and I wanted Roxanne by my side as we embarked on this journey.

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“Roxanne, this afternoon let’s go to Vale,” I declared during breakfast, sharing my plans. She looked at me with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

“Can I be of any assistance, master?” Roxanne asked, eager to support me.

“Yes, Roxanne. It’s about buying a new slave to expand our party,” I replied, revealing my intentions.

Roxanne’s eyes gleamed with understanding. Together, we would venture into Vale, ready to explore new horizons and build our harem in the Fantasy World Dungeon.

A Harem in the Fantasy World Dungeon

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