The Rain Season 3 Ending Explained: A Deep Dive into the Post-Apocalyptic World

after the rain ending

It’s hard to put into words just how addictive the first season of the Danish series The Rain is. This post-apocalyptic thriller follows the journey of siblings Simone and Rasmus as they navigate a world where rainfall is deadly. But what about the ending of season 3? In this article, we’ll break it down for you.

The Beginning of the Rain

After spending years in an underground bunker, Simone and Rasmus emerge to find most of the population wiped out. They join a group led by Martin, who becomes their new family. As the first season progresses, they search for their father, hoping he can cure the virus responsible for the deadly rain. The season ends with the group on the verge of meeting their father.

Season 2: Unraveling Mysteries

Unfortunately, the second season of The Rain seems to lose its way. Rasmus holds the key to both the cure and the destruction of mankind. The rain is no longer the primary concern as the virus inside Rasmus grows stronger. Rasmus falls in love with Sarah, who is terminally ill, while another group member, Patrick, impregnates Fie, a scientist. By the end of the season, Rasmus becomes a mutant supervillain controlled by the virus, causing devastation and death.

The Revelation in Season 3

Season 3 brings new revelations about the virus. Rasmus passes the virus on to Sarah, and it saves her life. Infected individuals gain a super ability to survive the rain, but the virus will eventually kill them. Rasmus is determined to infect everyone, believing it will save humanity, while Simone disagrees.

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During a confrontation, Simone escapes Rasmus by jumping off a bridge and is rescued by another group. They possess a flower that can kill the virus, with only one vial of antidote remaining. Martin, infected by Rasmus, goes after Simone and tries to convince her that being infected will save their lives. Simone resists, and in the struggle, Martin drinks the last bit of the virus-killing antidote, sacrificing himself.

The Final Showdown

In the last episode of the series, Rasmus, aware of Martin’s death, blames Simone. He gathers an army of infected individuals to kill her. Simone’s group plans to shoot Rasmus with a bullet containing antidote, but Rasmus tricks them and the wrong person is killed.

As Rasmus approaches Simone, Sarah intervenes and convinces Rasmus that they must sacrifice themselves to save humanity. Instead of killing Simone, they feed themselves to the virus-killing flower, which ultimately wipes out the rain worldwide. Rasmus, Sarah, and all the infected individuals perish.

Rebuilding the World

In the postscript, Simone and her group venture back into the world, now with Fie and Patrick’s baby, the first child born in the post-apocalypse. They start the journey of rebuilding, and Simone, holding a tiny flower, thanks her brother for his sacrifice.

The Rain is a gripping series that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. If you want to experience the heart-pounding action and epic twists for yourself, make sure to check out Fecomic for more exciting content.
