Post anime 3×3: Discover Golden Kamuy and Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun

Are you searching for thrilling anime recommendations to add to your watchlist? Look no further! In this article, we’ll introduce you to two amazing anime series that will surely captivate your interest: Golden Kamuy and Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun. So, grab some popcorn and get ready for an anime adventure like no other!

Golden Kamuy: Unravel the Mystery, Uncover the Treasure

Imagine yourself in the early 1900s, surrounded by a captivating tale of hidden treasure and thrilling adventures. Golden Kamuy takes you on a journey where different factions embark on a quest to find a stolen fortune in gold belonging to the Ainu people, the Japanese equivalent of Native Americans or Inuit. The mastermind behind the theft left a unique “map” of the treasure’s location tattooed on the bodies of escaped convicts.

At the heart of the story are a former Japanese soldier and a teenage Ainu girl, who become the central characters in this dark and violent anime. As the search for the treasure intensifies, the series delves deep into character development, exploring the rich Ainu culture and significant historical events such as the repercussions of the Russo-Japanese war and the attempted assassination of Russia’s Alexander II.

But be prepared for a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Golden Kamuy’s intriguing storyline is complemented by broad and crude humor, reminiscent of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. As you progress further into the series, the plot thickens, and the anime only gets better. Season 3 brings resolution to previous cliffhangers and provides valuable insights into the motives of various characters and the truth behind the original incident. And fret not, there’s still much more to come, as we eagerly await season 4 and the continuation of the manga.

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Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun: A Comedy with an Unexpected Twist

If you’re in the mood for something light-hearted and comedic, Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun is the perfect anime for you. This series takes a complete detour from the dark and intense atmosphere of Golden Kamuy, offering a delightful and cartoonish experience suitable for all ages.

The story revolves around Iruma, a kind-hearted 14-year-old boy who has struggled to support his irresponsible parents. His life takes an unexpected turn when his parents sell him to a demon. However, this demon has a rather peculiar motive – he simply wants to adopt Iruma and shower him with love and affection. But here’s the catch – humans are considered illegal immigrants in the demon realm, and revealing his true identity becomes a challenging task for Iruma.

While Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun may seem purely comedic on the surface, there are underlying story developments that keep the narrative engaging. As Iruma navigates his new life, he gradually learns to stand up for himself and embrace personal goals and ambitions. His natural talent for gaining the trust of his classmates places him in a unique position, especially considering his “grandfather” was once the chief advisor to the former Demon King. With the throne currently vacant, a faction seeks to revert the Demon Realm to its chaotic and evil past, adding an intriguing twist to the storyline.

So, whether you prefer the dark and action-packed world of Golden Kamuy or the lighthearted and comedic atmosphere of Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun, there’s something for everyone in the vast realm of anime. Expand your horizons and immerse yourself in these fantastic series that will leave you craving for more.

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Edited by Ohayotaku
