Anime OVA Review: Arata Naru Sekai Mirai-hen

Are you a fan of post-apocalyptic worlds, stunning visuals, and captivating stories? If so, then you’re in for a treat! Today, I stumbled upon an OVA that I had been eagerly anticipating, and let me tell you, it was a rollercoaster of emotions. Let’s dive into my thoughts on Arata Naru Sekai Mirai-hen.

A Visual Masterpiece

One thing that immediately grabbed my attention was the breathtaking animation and visuals. I have a soft spot for beautifully detailed landscapes, and this OVA delivered in spades. The post-apocalyptic world was brought to life with grand and awe-inspiring sceneries that had me hooked from the start. The character design was also commendable, although nothing too out of the ordinary.

arata naru sekai mirai-hen

A Story Full of Intrigue

At first, the story seemed intriguing and captivating. I found myself fully engrossed, not paying much attention to unanswered questions or potential plot holes. However, as the anime reached its final moments, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with unanswered queries. The conclusion left too much hanging in the air, without any attempt to provide explanations or hints. Perhaps I missed some subtle cues, but the lack of closure left me wanting more.

An Enigmatic Journey

Let’s jump into a quick summary of the story. Four girls are transported from a world trapped in an endless apocalyptic loop to the future, 6000 years ahead. Their mission is to find a way to break this cycle, even though no one has a clue how to accomplish this feat. Meanwhile, other students are sent to the past and future, adding to the enigmatic nature of the journey.

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Impressive Sound Design

As expected, the sound design in Arata Naru Sekai Mirai-hen was top-notch. The voice actors truly embodied their characters, effectively conveying their personalities and emotions. One voice actress, Yuka Iguchi, stood out with her exceptional performance.

A Dash of Fan Service

While not a major aspect, there was some well-executed fan service sprinkled throughout the OVA. The characters, however, weren’t given much development, leaving me wanting to learn more about three out of the four girls. The exception was Yakusa, the protagonist, whose background and story were explored, delving into the themes of love and the essence of life.


A Rating Worth Mentioning

Considering everything, I would rate this anime a solid 6.5 out of 10. The stunning visuals, impressive sound design, and overall enjoyable experience merit this score. However, the lack of a proper conclusion with explanations left me slightly dissatisfied. But hey, if you’re a fan of captivating visuals and don’t mind a few unanswered questions, give Arata Naru Sekai Mirai-hen a watch!

Now, enough talking about it. Head over to Fecomic and dive into the captivating world of Arata Naru Sekai Mirai-hen!