Bastard Anime Season 2: An Epic Journey of Cheesy Self-Indulgence

bastard anime season 2

Are you ready for an epic and over-the-top adventure with Dark Schneider? Brace yourself for the band of colorful characters, villains hamming it up, and the enthralling qualities that made the first season of Bastard!! so captivating. However, don’t expect these elements to come rushing in right away. Season two takes its time to build up the excitement, and even then, it doesn’t quite reach the level of the previous season’s finale.

A New Status Quo: Scattered Characters and Worldwide Conquest

Season two of Bastard!! begins with our cast of characters scattered to unknown realms, two years after the events of the cliffhanger in season one. In this intriguing new status quo, interesting alliances have formed, and the remaining villain from the previous season is now bent on achieving full-scale worldwide conquest. What started as an attack on a specific kingdom has escalated into a global war, with humanity teetering on the brink of destruction. While this narrative progression seems natural, it may have ultimately hindered the series.

Cheesy Self-Indulgence and Unapologetic Wish Fulfillment

Bastard!! never aimed to be taken seriously. It embraces cheesy self-indulgence to the fullest. Dark Schneider, the pompous, overpowered, and entitled protagonist, wins battles effortlessly because he’s the handsome main character. He embodies wish fulfillment, as women practically fall at his feet and indulge his every whim. The series’ self-awareness adds another layer of enjoyment, occasionally breaking the fourth wall without a care in the world. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but this unapologetic approach is like a breath of fresh air. If anything, the series could have pushed the boundaries further in terms of violence, cheesiness, and sexual exploits, but it was held back for various reasons.

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Two Different Shows: Serious Approach versus Dark Schneider’s Antics

Season two attempts to take a more serious direction with its narrative, focusing on tragedy and social commentary on loyalty to corrupt leadership. Surprisingly, there’s a genuine sense of camaraderie and passion among the characters, making the audience genuinely care for them. However, the show still tries to balance this serious tone with Dark Schneider’s raucous behavior. The stark contrast creates a disjointed viewing experience, as if watching two different shows. The styles fail to blend organically as intended.

Pulled in Different Directions: Conflicting Intentions

The show’s struggle to balance its various intentions is evident. It aims to build sympathy for the main villain while introducing new characters to expand the cast. It attempts to increase the dramatic stakes while maintaining the quirky slapstick comedy between the main couple. It hints at a more mature handling of Yoko and Schneider’s relationship, only to revert to business as usual, with Schneider’s insatiable desires. These conflicting intentions undermine the show’s potential, leading to a lack of focus.

Aesthetics and Presentation

Visually, Bastard!! season two surpasses its predecessor. Character designs receive upgrades due to the time skip, and additional shading adds depth to the artwork. The scale of the show expands, offering more diverse locations to explore. The soundtrack remains a highlight, with its heavy-metal-inspired guitar and drum riffs. However, due to the constant shifts between different situations and environments, there aren’t many standout moments of impressive animation.

Conclusion: Too Long to Reach New Heights

While the show eventually reaches more epic moments towards the end of the season, it takes too long to get there. Season two fails to build upon the foundation of its predecessor, resulting in missed opportunities to reach new heights. Sometimes, doing less would have allowed the series to accomplish more. Unlike Dark Schneider himself, Bastard!! doesn’t succeed solely based on its desires.

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