Itadakimasu Anime! Series That Will Leave You Begging for More

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The winter 2015 anime season has come to an end, bidding farewell to long-running series that captivated us since the fall of 2014. As we embark on the new spring season, let’s take a moment to reflect on the 12 remarkable series that made this winter season unforgettable.

Akatsuki no Yona: A Thrilling Adventure

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Akatsuki no Yona, a story of a spoiled princess forced to gather legendary warriors while uncovering the truth about her “peaceful” kingdom, stands out as a breathtaking adventure series. With a perfect blend of action, drama, and comedy, this anime offers much more than meets the eye. While the plot may seem predictable, the focus here lies in the “how” rather than the “what.” Witness Yona’s journey as she fights to win the allegiance of the four dragons and undergoes a remarkable transformation. The animation is vibrant, the character designs are excellent, and the music is a beautiful fusion of epic orchestral and traditional Korean-inspired melodies. Prepare yourself for an epic journey and keep an eye out for a possible second season!

Final impressions: What an amazing journey… Season 2: when?? Verdict: Watch it — Don’t let the reverse harem tag scare you away; it has all the hallmarks of a sweeping adventure story with some solid characters.

Aldnoah.Zero, Season 2: A Missed Opportunity

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The second season of Aldnoah.Zero leaves much to be desired. While the intense mecha battles in space and change of location bring some excitement, character development takes a backseat. Slaine’s character is the most developed, but his decisions often feel disconnected. Inaho remains an enigma, and Asseylum spends most of the time unconscious. Lemrina shows promise but lacks further exploration. The anime fails to realize its full potential, leaving behind a mediocre story and characters despite its impressive animation and music.

Final impressions: Well… that was anticlimactic. Verdict: Forget it — No amount of energetic and fun space battles can make up for the mediocre characters and story that is this show.

Death Parade: A Mysterious Tale

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Step into the mysterious world of Death Parade, where judgment, life, death, and the complexities of human nature intertwine. In this suspenseful and thought-provoking anime, a bar called Quindecim becomes the setting for games that reveal the true nature of those who play. While mostly episodic, Death Parade shines through its character-driven narrative. Each episode introduces new pairs of characters, delving into their pasts and revealing their motivations. Though the frequent farewells can be disappointing, the anime picks up strongly towards the end, leaving an emotionally resonating finale. The animation is top-notch, and the music perfectly sets the mood. Don’t miss this mysterious and suspenseful journey!

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Final impressions: I cried more in 1 episode of Death Parade than all 22 episodes of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. Hmm… Verdict: Watch it — Mysterious, suspenseful, and thoughtful, who knew playing a simple game could be so revealing?

Garo: Honoo no Kokuin: A Magical Journey

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Garo: Honoo no Kokuin takes us on a mesmerizing adventure that starts with a typical “monster of the week” concept and quickly evolves into a life-or-death battle for an entire kingdom. This magical fantasy action series shines with its stylish fight scenes and captivating storyline. The use of CG armor adds a unique touch to the transformed knights, making them appear otherworldly. The well-developed main cast, led by the angsty protagonist Leon, grows and confronts their pasts, insecurities, and weaknesses. With an epic ending that leaves you craving for a second season, Garo is a must-see for fans of action and fantasy.

Final impressions: What a ride! That ending was epic and got me hyped for a second season! Verdict: Worth a look — A magical fantasy action series with plenty of action and a solid main cast.

Junketsu no Maria: An Unexpected Journey

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Junketsu no Maria surprises viewers by taking a comedic ecchi series and infusing it with serious discussions about religious theory, war economics, and the balance between freewill and fate. The characters shine, even the side characters, and the depth of their development is remarkable. While the ending may feel rushed and tonally inconsistent, Junketsu no Maria takes us on a fascinating journey filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Final impressions: An unexpected amount of depth for an anime billed as an ecchi comedy… I just wish the ending had been a little less jarring. Verdict: Worth a look, but YMMV — The ecchi elements mostly disappear after the first few episodes, making way for some meatier topics.

Koufuku Graffiti: An Adorable Delight

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Cute girls indulging in delicious food and discovering the value of friendship define Koufuku Graffiti. Although the story and characters may appear generic, this anime will satisfy your appetite for mouth-watering dishes. The animation, while inconsistent, showcases a colorful world, and the music adds to the charm of this lighthearted series. While it may not leave a lasting impression, Koufuku Graffiti is perfect for food enthusiasts searching for a delightful, fluffy experience.

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Final impressions: An adorable, delicious anime full of the fluffiest of fluff. Verdict: Forget it — Cute, but ultimately forgettable… On the plus side, if you like delicious anime food, this just may be a winner for you.

Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu (Parasyte -the maxim-): A Promising Start That Fades

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Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu starts strong with suspense and action but fails to maintain its momentum. The anime explores captivating themes such as humanity, morality, and the clash between instinct and reason. However, the execution falls short, and the lack of depth in character development leaves a void. Despite its potential, Kiseijuu fails to make a significant impact and misses the mark with dropped plot points and unexplained elements.

Final impressions: What was the point of all this again? Verdict: Forget it — Starts great but its muddied execution fails to connect the dots.

Log Horizon, Season 2: A Mixed Bag

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Log Horizon returns with a second season that falls short of its predecessor. While the enjoyable characters and incorporation of game mechanics into the story still hold charm, the uneven pacing and lackluster middle arcs dampen the overall experience. The animation quality is slightly diminished, but the raid battles remain exciting. Though unanswered questions abound, Log Horizon Season 2 offers enough progress to keep fans engaged. Let’s hope for a third season to tie up loose ends!

Final impressions: Starts and ends strong, but I probably could have done without the entire middle section. Verdict: Worth a look, but YMMV — A must-see if you liked the first season, but about half the content is a wash, and the animation takes a hit.

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April): An Emotional Melodrama

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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, a story about classical music, struggling artists, and the complexities of life, falls short of its potential. The drawn-out melodrama lacks subtlety and fails to deliver the intended emotional impact. While the animation and music are beautiful, the characters and their stories suffer from repetitiveness and lack of development. Despite its flaws, the anime may resonate with some viewers, especially those who appreciate stunning visuals and lovely music.

Final impressions: I can’t believe zero tears were shed: a fact that makes me the most sad. Verdict: Forget it — Overly melodramatic, drawn out, repetitive, and full of characters I felt little for. On the plus side, the animation and music are great!

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Shirobako: A Journey Through the Anime Industry

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Bid a heartfelt farewell to the cast of Shirobako, a captivating anime that takes us on a journey through the anime industry. Experience the growth of relatable and brilliant characters as they pursue their dreams and overcome obstacles. With a perfect blend of workplace drama and comedy, Shirobako keeps you on the edge of your seat, sharing in the frustrations, joys, and sighs of relief. This anime brings the animated world to life and offers a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes of your favorite shows. A must-watch for any anime enthusiast!

Final impressions: A wholly satisfying ending to a wholly satisfying anime. Verdict: Watch it — Brilliant and relatable characters make this journey through the anime industry an unforgettable one.

Tokyo Ghoul: Root √A: A Disappointing Sequel

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Despite low expectations, Tokyo Ghoul: Root √A fails to deliver a satisfying continuation. While the intense battles add excitement, the lack of character development and coherence hinder the story. The focus on secondary characters, such as Touka, leaves the main protagonist, Kaneki, on the sidelines, resulting in a disconnection between the viewer and the unexplained events surrounding his character. Tokyo Ghoul presents a great premise, but its execution falters, leaving many questions unanswered and a sense of confusion.

Final impressions: This show makes no sense. Maybe the manga will help clear things up? Verdict: Forget it — A little action can’t mask the mess of poor character development, pacing, and coherence that is this anime.

Yuri Kuma Arashi: A Symbolic Love Story

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Yuri Kuma Arashi may seem perplexing at first, but beneath its surface lies a captivating love story. With its surreal visuals, symbolism, and thought-provoking themes, this anime offers much more than meets the eye. The beautiful animation and varied music enhance the fantastical journey filled with mystery and psychological elements. While the series may not fully explain itself, Yuri Kuma Arashi is an unforgettable experience that will leave you questioning and marveling at its beauty.

Final impressions: I’m not exactly sure what happened in the end, but it was absolutely beautiful. Verdict: Watch it, but YMMV — Yes, there are lesbians, but at its core, this anime is a touching love story with more than meets the eye.

Remember, these reviews are solely based on our experiences and opinions. Dive into these captivating series and discover your own favorites! For more exciting manga and anime content, check out Fecomic. Fecomic