Bleach Episode 10: Don Kanonji – The Spirit Hunter with a Twist

Bleach Episode 10

What is ‘Burarei’ / ‘Spirit Hunter’? Well, it’s quite a big deal. The abandoned hospital sets the stage for this eagerly anticipated event. Among the crowd of characters, Ichigo seems unimpressed, while others are bursting with anticipation. The show’s star, Don Kanonji, makes a grand entrance by parachuting from a helicopter. From his appearance alone, you can tell he’s a character worth watching.

Don Kanonji is a self-proclaimed spirit medium and the host of a popular TV show. He’s the hottest thing right now, with his trademark guffaw and matching pose. His family and school have even taken to imitating him, much to Ichigo’s annoyance. But is Don really a fraud?

Ichigo, being a skeptic, doubts Don’s abilities. As a shinigami, he has experience with spirits and the afterlife, and so does his housemate, Rukia. However, even Rukia seems to be caught up in the Don Kanonji frenzy.

Ichigo questions why the shinigami don’t handle the task of sending spirits to their rest. Rukia explains that some spirits, known as ‘jibaku’ spirits, are rarely detected by shinigami as they are deeply connected to the places they haunt and are very territorial.

Suddenly, a ghostly figure appears, groaning ominously. Only those with sufficient spiritual energy can hear it. Rukia explains that this figure is a ‘Plus’ or ‘Demi-hollow,’ a human spirit on the verge of becoming a hollow.

These spirits are chained to their place of regret, in this case, the hospital, and cannot move on. However, Rukia assures Ichigo that the crowd and film crew should be safe, as it takes months for Demi-hollows to complete their transformation.

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Unfortunately, Don Kanonji’s actions only make things worse. Believing he can send spirits to the other side, he unwittingly accelerates the hollow-fication process. Ichigo tries to intervene but gets held back. Unexpectedly, Urahara appears and helps Ichigo. The chain-bound ghost disappears, leading Don Kanonji to believe he has exorcised the demon, when in fact, he has created one.

Thinking of himself as a hero, Don confronts the evil spirit, only to realize he is outmatched. Ichigo steps in to save the day, dragging Don into the hospital to keep the fight away from the crowd. Despite their differences, they manage to defeat the hollow together.

As the episode concludes, Ichigo reveals the truth to Don Kanonji, who sincerely regrets his actions. Despite his ignorance, it’s hard not to respect him. They shake hands, but Don Kanonji goes on to declare Ichigo his number one pupil, highlighting his delusions.

A lighthearted and enjoyable episode indeed. On to Episode 11!
