Boku No Hero Academia 3rd Season Episode 21: A Rollercoaster of Emotions

boku no hero academia 3rd season episode 21

What’s the show? My Hero Academia 3rd Season, Episode 21.

So what happens in this episode? After last week’s detour, we’re back to the exciting licensing exam. But, I must admit, this episode left me feeling a little bored. Maybe it’s because I’ve realized the struggle of following a long-running Shonen series week after week, or perhaps because reviewing it has taken away some of the magic. In any case, I’ve decided that future seasons of this show and similar ones won’t be reviewed on our site week-to-week anymore.


That’s probably for the best, considering the low view counts for these reviews. Don’t bring that up, geez!

So how’s the episode itself, what happens? Todoroki and the windy guy from the other school argue while they should be rescuing people. It turns out Todoroki’s dad, Endeavour, mistreated this guy when he was a kid. Additionally, during the entrance exams for UA High, Todoroki was also far from being a pleasant person. The episode was well-written and well-acted, with drama, ego, and depth. But honestly, I just didn’t care that much.

Wtf is a "Jack wife"?

Any particular reason why? You know the reason.

Oh shit, he’s going to bring up the— They are underutilizing the female heroes on this show, damn it! I love this series, I really do. My real-life waifu even bought me a Froppy hoodie that I adore. But I can’t help but be frustrated by the wasted potential of the interesting women characters they’ve sidelined. It’s gotten so bad that watching the show makes me angry, and I don’t want that! I can understand the focus on Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo, Tenya, and All Might, but introducing more male characters and giving them screen time is infuriating!

Read more  Tengoku Daimakyou Usami

Yes, you female heroes look after the children while the men do all the fighting.

Alright, settle down. You’ve had your rant, can we move on? Sure, sure, whatever. So Todoroki and the windy guy get scolded by Midoriya for their bickering. This shaming is enough to make them put their differences aside and help Midoriya defeat Gang Orca. Just as it looks like he’s about to win, the timer runs out, and the exam ends. The episode leaves us on a cliffhanger, unsure of who passed and who didn’t.

I really didn't care for Gang Orca either.

Your heart’s not in it anymore, is it? Sadly, not really. I almost considered stopping these reviews altogether and just enjoying the show without the added layer of analysis that reviewing requires. But I feel like I owe it to the nine people who still read these reviews week-to-week. I don’t hate this show; in fact, I could never hate it. After all, it gave me Froppy. But don’t expect long and in-depth reviews for the remaining episodes this season. I’m sorry!

Froppy learnt a new ability! And the show devoted all of 30 seconds to that, thanks again My Hero Academia! /sarcasm

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