Chinese Anime Censorship: The Wacky World of Chinese Censorship

chinese anime censorship

Anime has taken China by storm since the early 2000s. However, the Chinese government is notorious for censoring various forms of media, including anime, due to their belief that it negatively impacts society. This censorship has resulted in numerous popular anime series being inaccessible to Chinese viewers.

Why Does China Censor Anime?

The Chinese government’s censorship of anime and other media is driven by their concern over the potential negative influence on society. They worry that certain anime shows, with their violence, sexually suggestive themes, and supernatural elements, may have adverse effects on the impressionable younger generation.

Additionally, anime that promotes values deemed un-Chinese, such as individualism, independence, and non-conformity, is also subject to censorship. The government fears that exposure to these values could lead to social unrest and challenge the authority of the ruling Communist Party.

Moreover, the Chinese government censors anime that they perceive as promoting Western culture and values, as they believe this could erode Chinese cultural identity and cause a loss of national pride.

Furthermore, any anime that promotes political ideologies opposing the Communist Party’s views is heavily censored. This includes anime that champions democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression, all of which are seen as a direct threat to the ruling party’s monopoly on power.

In conclusion, the Chinese government’s censorship of anime is driven by a desire to maintain social stability and protect the country’s cultural and political identity. They believe that certain themes and values depicted in anime could have a negative impact on society and, therefore, must be controlled and regulated.

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Demon Slayer: The Chinese Censorship Saga

Fans of the popular anime series, “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba,” have noticed significant censorship in China, where the second season is currently airing. This includes a seven-episode arc from the 2020 film, “Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train.” Screenshots posted on Twitter by the account Shonenleaks revealed the stark differences between the Chinese version and the international release.

These screenshots focused on Tengen Uzui’s three wives, Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio. In the Chinese version, the cleavage of these characters is covered with additional clothing, while it remains visible in the general release of the anime.

Demon Slayer Chinese censorship

Tokyo Ghoul: The Hilarious Chinese Censorship

The Chinese censorship applied to scenes from “Tokyo Ghoul” is equally amusing! Some scenes have been edited to remove or alter content that the Chinese government deems inappropriate. It is fascinating to observe the creative ways in which the censorship is implemented.

Tokyo Ghoul Chinese censorship

Frequently Asked Questions About Chinese Anime Censorship

Now, let’s answer some common questions regarding Chinese anime censorship:

  1. Q: Why does the Chinese government censor anime?
    A: The Chinese government believes that certain themes and values depicted in anime could have a negative impact on society and, therefore, must be controlled and regulated.

  2. Q: Which anime series have been heavily censored in China?
    A: Numerous anime series, including “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba,” have faced significant censorship in China.

These are just a few examples of the peculiar world of Chinese anime censorship. It is an ongoing saga that showcases the clash between creative expression and political control. As we navigate this world of animated wonders, let’s cherish the anime we can enjoy and support the artists who bring them to life.

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