Chu Feng Bee Episode 7: An Unfulfilled Promise

chu feng bee episode 7

Chu Feng: B.E.E, a sci-fi action series that caught my attention after a disappointing previous recommendation. Initially hesitant, the presence of renowned voice actress Kana Hanazawa convinced me to give it a chance. Little did I know that this series would change my perspective over the years.

A Tragic Beginning

President Afro Obama delivers a speech on peace, only for Ken AKA Sun Haoxuan to throw cynicism at the idea. Chaos ensues at the mall, leaving Ken held hostage by terrorists. Amidst the violence, a mysterious heroine in a high-tech suit rescues Ken from the brink of death.

A New Mission

A UN resolution mandates the public release of weapon technologies, ushering in an era of peace. Ruri, also known as Liuli, saves Ken once again and reveals her mission to eliminate targets. As Ruri battles the terrorists, a shocking revelation about her past emerges.

A Fragile Connection

As tensions mount, Ken finds himself growing closer to Baihua, a classmate who offers a different perspective on Ruri. However, Ken’s distrust in Ruri remains strong, leading to a confrontation that exposes deep-seated insecurities.

Unanswered Questions

Despite the potential for development, Chu Feng Bee Episode 7 falls short in delivering a satisfying conclusion. The series raises intriguing plot points, only to leave them unanswered, hinting at a ploy to promote the manga adaptation.

A Missed Opportunity

The lack of a proper ending and the absence of a Japanese dub in the final episode contribute to the series’ shortcomings. While the action scenes and animation quality are commendable, the characters’ potential remains largely untapped.

Looking Towards the Future

Though Chu Feng: B.E.E may disappoint in its execution, there is still hope for redemption. An alternate version of the series, Chu Feng: Son of Eden, offers a longer episode runtime and potentially addresses the unresolved plotlines. However, limited availability and language barriers hinder its accessibility.

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In conclusion, Chu Feng Bee Episode 7 is a series that had the potential to be great but falls short of expectations. Its failure to provide closure, along with missed opportunities for character development, leave viewers wanting more. While the action scenes and animation are commendable, the series ultimately feels like a marketing tool for the manga adaptation. Nevertheless, there is hope for a better future with alternate versions of the series.