Citrus Manga Chapter 19: A Heartfelt Gesture

citrus manga chapter 19

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, slowly rising from my bed. The aroma of the morning air indicated that the sun had already risen. As I groggily cleared my mind, I realized something was off. This wasn’t my bedroom.

Panic washed over me as I looked around. The sight of a familiar desk, wallpaper, and a tapestry with the emblem of House Astra- my grandfather’s coat of arms. “It’s my grandfather’s study…!” How did I end up here?

Moments later, the events of yesterday flooded my memory. I had cried myself to sleep, completely drained. And when I woke up, I was in my grandfather’s arms. He must have carried me here.

Lost in thought, I surveyed the room. I seemed to be alone. My grandfather was nowhere in sight. Well, at least that was a relief. I attempted to get up from the sofa, only to notice a round drool stain where I had been lying. Embarrassed, I hurriedly wiped it away.

As I did so, the door creaked open, and a familiar voice called out, “Are you awake?” It was Conrad. “Did you sleep well?” he asked with concern in his voice. I had been fine while asleep, but my current sleeping arrangements were an issue.

“I… I miss my own bed,” I replied, gloomily. The truth was, even if I cried myself to sleep again, my supporting character penalty would bring me back to my room next time.

“We tried to move you, but you seemed uncomfortable when we touched you,” Conrad explained. I must have made a fuss when they attempted to move me. I couldn’t help but feel doomed and annoying.

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With a worried expression, I asked Conrad, “Where’s Grandfather?” He responded, “He’s in the dining hall. He asked us to wake you up and bring you there.”

Relieved that my grandfather hadn’t found me bothersome, I grabbed Conrad’s hand, and we made our way to the dining room.

Inside, my grandfather, Viscount Debussy, and other individuals were enjoying their meal. “Hello,” I greeted cheerfully. The responses were lukewarm, but I took a seat next to my grandfather.

The servants and Viscount Debussy were taken aback. They had never seen anyone sit next to the Duke before. Usually, when my grandfather sat in his designated spot, everyone else would take seats far away.

I glanced at my grandfather, wondering if he was bothered, but he remained silent. Well, I guessed it was fine then.

Breakfast was served as soon as I took my seat. The morning menu consisted of small pieces of French toast, perfect for a child like me. Excitedly, I picked up my fork, ready to enjoy my meal.

But then, I noticed that my grandfather’s plate remained mostly untouched. A large, juicy steak and a salad with vinaigrette were left untouched. Was he not feeling hungry?

My heart ached at the thought that eating might be uncomfortable for him. Perhaps he had dental issues or jaw pain. I had observed him gently massaging his jaw when I followed Conrad around. Poor thing, he was in pain.

He not only had to endure being unwell but also this complicated situation. If he showed even a hint of pain, others would pounce, thinking it was time to plan for the future.

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I pondered for a moment. Then, I stabbed a piece of my toast with my fork and extended it towards my grandfather. Gasps of surprise filled the room. The servants, Conrad, and Viscount Debussy were wide-eyed.

My grandfather hesitated for a moment before looking at me. “What’s this?” he asked. “Try it. It’s yummy,” I replied, hoping he would eat it. I knew he needed to stay healthy for my own safety.

It seemed like he had been eating only porridge for several days, but he probably wouldn’t change the menu to make his condition obvious. The room fell silent, everyone holding their breath.

Finally, Viscount Debussy broke the silence with a cough. “Isn’t it the Young Miss’s heartfelt effort?” he suggested. My grandfather accepted the toast I offered, chewing it without any difficulties.

I extended the toast to him again. “More,” I said. Once again, he accepted. Viscount Debussy burst into laughter, seemingly losing it just like the day before.

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Remember to cherish those small moments and show your love in unexpected ways, just like our young protagonist did. Let’s spread joy and kindness, one toast at a time!