Date a live Ending: Kotori and Shido’s Unbreakable Bond

Have you ever wondered about the ending of Date a live and how Kotori and Shido’s bond withstands the test of time? In this article, we’ll dive into the captivating story of their relationship, the twists and turns, and the surprising revelations. Join us as we explore the secrets of this beloved anime series.

The Future Shido’s Influence

In the future timeline, Shido takes it upon himself to rewrite the story. He changes the destiny of Origami and sets out to save the spirits from Mio’s clutches. It’s a thrilling journey that unfolds in the future timeline novel.

Kotori’s Transformation

In the novel chapters 1 to 12, Kotori’s character showcases a mean and bossy attitude. However, in chapters 13 to 18, her heart softens, and she becomes closer to Shido. She starts caring for him, ensuring his well-being and showing a more tender side. No longer stubborn, Kotori begins to let go of her tough exterior.

Tohka’s Revival

Why can’t Tohka be revived? Instead of bringing Tohka from a parallel world into Shido’s world, wouldn’t it make more sense for her to return in her original form? This question has puzzled many fans, as the logic behind Tohka’s absence remains unclear.

Shido’s Growth

As future Shido learns about the personalities of Kotori and others in the past timeline, he becomes more responsible and cautious. The safety of Shido becomes a matter of concern for Kotori and everyone around him. Future Shido’s knowledge of their personalities shapes his actions in the present.

Kotori’s Struggles

Kotori, caught between her commanding role and her role as Shido’s little sister, faces challenges in adjusting her personality. In volume 21, she still grapples with controlling her temper, especially when Shido’s life is in danger. However, deep down, Kotori cares for her teammates, including Shido and the spirits.

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The Ribbon of Strength

Shido is the one who gave Kotori the black ribbon to empower her. This symbolic gesture shows the depth of their bond and the support they provide for each other.

The Truth about Shido’s Sister

Contrary to popular belief, Shido’s actual sister is Mana, not Kotori. This surprising twist adds another layer of complexity to Shido’s family dynamics.

Tohka and the Parallel World

In the past timeline, Tohka possesses ten swords. These swords are instrumental in her encounter with Shido. The events surrounding Tohka’s appearance are orchestrated by the future Kurumi, adding another thrilling element to the story.

Shido’s Perilous Journey

Shido’s first rescue mission, which took place five years ago, involved Kotori. He saves her and seals her powers within himself. From there, Shido’s encounters with spirits continue to unfold, each bringing its own set of challenges.

A World of Peace?

With Tohka’s disappearance, the past timeline becomes a peaceful place. However, this tranquility is short-lived as new beasts emerge, threatening the newfound peace. The battle for harmony continues, as Kotori struggles to come to terms with the fact that her best friend turned out to be her enemy.

The Power of Love and Forgiveness

In volumes 1 to 13 of the future timeline, Kotori comes off as cold-hearted, rude, and uncaring toward the future Shido. However, future Shido is the only person capable of opening her heart and understanding the pain of her past. Shido’s kindheartedness allows him to forgive the spirits’ wrongdoings and see the light within them.

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Sibling Rivalry

Mana and Kotori share a bond as siblings in the past timeline. However, in the future timeline, their relationship becomes strained as they argue over who is Shido’s true big brother.

Regrets of the Future Shido

In the future timeline, Shido is unable to rescue Kotori and the others from Mio’s clutches, resulting in their deaths. This failure haunts Shido, as he blames himself for their tragic fate. The guilt weighs heavily on him, as he wishes he could have saved them in time.

A New Beginning

As the story unfolds in the novel, we witness the reincarnation of Mio and Shinji. Shido, by a twist of fate, erases Shinji’s memories. Kotori and the others return to living normal lives with no spirits residing in their bodies.

The Precious Tohka

We can’t help but love the future timeline where Tohka still exists. Her encouragement and infectious smile brighten the lives of those around her. When she disappears in volume 20, sadness ensues. Tohka holds a special place in everyone’s hearts and is irreplaceable to Kotori, Shido, and the others.

Don’t miss out on the gripping tale of Date a live and the unbreakable bond between Kotori and Shido. Experience the rollercoaster of emotions, the surprises, and the ultimate power of love and forgiveness. Visit Fecomic to explore more captivating stories like this.
