Devilman Crybaby 1987 – A Cult Classic Filled with Bad Decisions

Today, let’s dive into Devilman Crybaby 1987, a film that may not have aged well but has managed to become a true classic for all the wrong reasons. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of bad decisions and a whole lot of entertainment!

A Perfect Storm of Bad Decisions

Back in the VHS days, I had the pleasure of watching this film, and let me tell you, I have seen far worse anime. While it may not be ineptly made, Devilman Crybaby 1987 is a collection of bad choices that somehow come together to create a complete misfire.

The Infamous English Dub

One thing that immediately stands out in this forgettable first OVA is the notoriously bad English dub. This is how most Westerners became familiar with the franchise. You can tell that the production was done by inexperienced and/or cheap voice actors. The lines are delivered with an almost elementary school play quality, with weird inflections and perplexing pauses. Even intense and dark moments from the original manga fall hilariously flat due to the voice acting. It’s awkward, to say the least.

A Deluge of Foul Language

But fear not! The film may lack acting ability and good writing, but it certainly compensates with an abundance of foul language. Just like other anime releases from the late 80s and early 90s, Devilman Crybaby 1987 throws in curse words left and right, solely for the purpose of appearing cool. After the success of Akira, anime was marketed to the West as edgy and in-your-face entertainment. You know it’s for badasses when you hear the F bomb dropped every minute.

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A Unique Piece of Anime History

Is Devilman Crybaby 1987 a good introduction to the world of Devilman? Absolutely not. I highly recommend watching Crybaby instead. However, if you’re in the mood for some MST3K-style entertainment, this film is definitely worth a watch. The actual filmmaking may not be top-notch, but it does feature some solid animation and an interesting synth soundtrack. Be warned, though, the pacing is odd, and without prior knowledge of the characters, certain sections may feel out of place or confusing.

A Glutton for Punishment

As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of bad films, I can’t resist watching the second OVA. From what I’ve seen in the above video, it promises to be just as amazingly terrible as the first. So join me on this journey, and let’s see what Devilman Crybaby 1987 has in store for us.

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