Who Does Mikasa Marry in Attack on Titan?

does mikasa marry jean

Attack on Titan Season 4 has finally come to an end, leaving fans eager to know who Mikasa ends up with. Did Eren Yeager have the honor of marrying her, or was it Jean who stole her heart? Let’s delve into the details and uncover the truth about Mikasa’s partner in the final season of this epic anime.

Did Mikasa Marry Jean in Attack on Titan Season 4?

Although Attack on Titan Season 4 did not explicitly confirm whether Mikasa married Jean, there is a moment that has sparked intense debate. In one particular scene, we see Mikasa holding a baby, with someone who strongly resembles Jean standing behind her at Eren’s grave.

This ending has caused quite a stir and ignited a frenzy of speculation online. After the intense and emotional conclusion of the conflict with Eren, many viewers did not expect a romantic connection between Mikasa and Jean to emerge.

The creators intentionally left this detail up to interpretation. We never get a clear view of Mikasa’s partner, but with the strong resemblance to Jean, it seems that many fans have embraced the idea that Mikasa and Jean ended up married in the future.

Looking back, we can see that the seeds were planted for a potential “Jean-kasa” relationship. Jean had always harbored feelings for Mikasa, showing jealousy whenever she was around Eren and expressing anger when he learned about the mistreatment she endured. Furthermore, it makes sense for Mikasa to move on from Eren after his demise.

Why Mikasa Did Not Marry Eren Yeager

Despite the deep affection they held for one another, Eren and Mikasa never had the chance to fully express their feelings. Ultimately, Mikasa’s duty to save humanity led her to make the heart-wrenching decision to kill Eren.

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After Mikasa’s life was saved by Eren and his father, she was taken in by their family. They grew up together, fought side by side, and formed an unbreakable bond. While their connection often felt familial, in retrospect, it’s clear there were underlying romantic undertones.

During Eren’s descent into darkness, he inflicted emotional pain on Mikasa by claiming he never loved her and always despised her. However, near the end, he confessed his true feelings to her through Armin, urging him to keep it a secret. The viewers also witnessed the depth of Mikasa’s love for Eren right before she had to make the heartbreaking choice to end his life for the sake of humanity.

In this tragic tale, Eren and Mikasa never had the opportunity to openly declare their love. Nevertheless, the viewers were granted closure by discovering the true nature of their feelings.

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