Vinland Saga: Thorfinn’s Quest for Vengeance

Video does thorfinn kill askeladd

Ever since the beginning of Vinland Saga, we have been captivated by the intense storyline of Thorfinn’s relentless pursuit of revenge against Askeladd. Thorfinn’s sole purpose in joining Askeladd’s crew was to become strong enough to kill him and avenge his father’s dishonorable death. But does Thorfinn ever succeed in killing Askeladd in Vinland Saga?

Thorfinn’s Unfulfilled Desire

Sadly, Thorfinn never gets the chance to kill Askeladd. Before Thorfinn could enact his vengeance, Askeladd meets his demise at the hands of Prince Canute. Askeladd’s betrayal of King Sweyn and his subsequent attempt to prevent an invasion of Wales leads to his surprising demise.

Thorfinn’s inability to fulfill his deepest desire to kill the man who murdered his father leaves a lasting impact on him. All he ever wanted was to avenge his father’s death, but that opportunity was taken away from him. Askeladd’s death at the hands of Canute shapes Thorfinn’s character and his journey.

Let’s delve deeper into how Askeladd meets his end.

Askeladd’s Deceptive Scheme

In the early stages of the Vinland Saga storyline, we witness Thorfinn’s joyous childhood in Greenland, where he lives with his family. Thorfinn’s father, Thors, was once a renowned Viking leader but had chosen a different path, seeking a peaceful life away from plunder and warfare. Unbeknownst to Thors and Thorfinn, Floki, an old ally, hires the mercenary Askeladd to kill Thors for abandoning their Viking crew.

Thus, the forces of Askeladd engage Thors, and the two formidable warriors engage in combat. Although Thors proves his superior strength, Askeladd resorts to dishonorable tactics, using hidden archers to kill Thors. Thorfinn watches in horror as his father falls in the most ignoble manner.

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Instead of returning to Greenland with Leif, Thorfinn joins Askeladd’s crew to seek an opportunity to kill the murderer of his father. However, due to Thors’ teachings, Thorfinn refuses to dishonorably kill Askeladd. Throughout his time with the crew, Thorfinn regularly challenges Askeladd to a fair fight, hoping to eventually defeat him. Although he doesn’t accomplish this in his youth, Thorfinn becomes a formidable warrior, second only to Askeladd.

Thorfinn even reaches a point where he poses a threat to his grandfather, Thorkell, the strongest Viking in the world. This growth convinces Thorfinn that he is becoming stronger during his time with Askeladd’s crew, as he participates in the war against England, ultimately aiming for another duel with Askeladd.

Despite his disobedience within Askeladd’s crew, Thorfinn recognizes that he is fighting alongside them out of convenience. His pivotal role in helping King Sweyn of Denmark secure victory against England during their invasion cements his significance. But did Thorfinn ever get the chance to kill Askeladd?

Thorfinn’s Unaccomplished Vengeance

Regrettably, Thorfinn never gets the opportunity to kill Askeladd in Vinland Saga. Askeladd’s life ends before Thorfinn can exact his revenge. At the conclusion of season 1, Askeladd dies, leaving Thorfinn filled with emotional turmoil. Thorfinn’s sole motivation to join Askeladd’s crew rather than return to his family in Iceland was to honorably avenge his father’s death. Askeladd’s memory continues to haunt Thorfinn’s dreams until he finally accepts that his vengeful heart will bring him no solace.

The Unexpected Culprit

Although Thorfinn intended to kill Askeladd himself, fate intervenes, and someone else ends Askeladd’s life. During the celebration following Denmark’s victory over England, King Sweyn announces his intention to invade Wales. This news deeply affects Askeladd, whose purpose in joining Denmark was to protect Wales from Viking invasions. With a mentally broken mother who claimed he was the descendant of King Artorius of Wales, Askeladd cherished his ancestral land.

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Askeladd confronts King Sweyn, pleading for him to spare Wales. In a desperate moment, Askeladd proclaims himself the lost descendant of King Artorius. He kills King Sweyn and his men to deter them from attacking Wales, believing that Prince Canute, Sweyn’s successor, would not harm his beloved homeland.

After mercilessly slaying some of the King’s men, Askeladd meets his demise at the hands of Prince Canute. Canute, who is inexperienced in combat and seeks to avoid violence, becomes the one to end the life of this ruthless mercenary leader. Thorfinn’s world crumbles as he witnesses Canute’s act, realizing that the one person who gave his existence meaning is gone. Enraged, Thorfinn attempts to attack Canute but is overwhelmed by the king’s soldiers.

In conclusion, Thorfinn’s quest for vengeance against Askeladd remains unfulfilled in Vinland Saga. Askeladd’s death at the hands of Prince Canute marks a turning point in Thorfinn’s journey, forcing him to confront the futility of his vengeful heart. Visit Fecomic to discover more captivating stories like Vinland Saga.