Dog & Scissors

Regular Sharpening of Dog Grooming Scissors: The Key to Top Performance

To ensure that your dog grooming scissors deliver consistently sharp results, regular sharpening is essential. Dull scissors can lead to messy trims and fatigue, making it difficult to achieve the best cutting results every time. By sharpening your scissors on time, you can significantly improve their performance and longevity.

Best Practices for Maintaining Dog Grooming Scissors

In addition to regular sharpening, there are several other important practices that every dog groomer should follow to preserve the longevity of their grooming scissors. These include:

  • Holding the scissors correctly
  • Cleaning the dog grooming scissors
  • Oiling the scissors
  • Checking and adjusting the scissor’s tension
  • Safely storing the scissors

Remember to sharpen each grooming scissor as soon as it starts feeling dull. But how often should you sharpen your dog grooming scissors? While the general rule is every 4-6 months, the frequency may vary depending on the scissor itself and how often you use it.

The following examples provide a general guideline, but keep in mind that your own specific circumstances may call for adjustments, such as sharpening every few months or even annually.

Please NEVER attempt to sharpen your dog grooming scissors with a knife sharpener or similar tools. Doing so can permanently damage the scissors. Dog grooming scissors are made from various types of metal and require specific engineering in their designs and blade edges. To sharpen them properly and safely, a dog grooming scissor sharpener needs in-depth knowledge of scissor engineering and the appropriate equipment.

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Signs that Your Dog Grooming Scissors Need Sharpening

If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to service and sharpen your dog grooming scissors:

  • The scissors feel dull and pull the hair instead of cutting it.
  • The scissors do not cut along the entire blade.
  • You have to apply excessive pressure on the blade to cut.
  • The scissors have been dropped on the ground or grooming table.
  • The tension screw no longer turns left or right.
  • The tension screw falls out, and parts of the tension system are missing.

Choosing the Right Scissor Sharpener

Do you already have a trusted scissor sharpener, or are you searching for one? When looking for a reliable dog grooming scissor sharpener, consider the following:

  • The level of the sharpener’s experience and skill.
  • Their knowledge and understanding of the different types of metals used in scissors and how to sharpen them.
  • Their expertise in working with different blade edge types.
  • Their understanding of the unique design and tasks associated with dog grooming scissors.
  • If you’re a left-handed groomer with left-handed scissors, ensure the sharpener has the necessary knowledge and expertise for sharpening them. Sharpening left-handed scissors requires a different technique than sharpening right-handed ones.
  • Reviews and recommendations. Check the sharpener’s reviews before making a decision.
  • Respect for dog grooming scissors and an appreciation for their individual tasks and designs.

A dog groomer’s collection of scissors is a valuable investment, so it’s crucial to choose a sharpener who understands and respects the craftsmanship of dog grooming scissors and knows how to sharpen them to suit their specific tasks.

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A Recommended Dog Grooming Scissor and Blade Sharpener

At Fecomic Grooming Services, we work closely with Andrew Rattray, the owner of The Gay Blade Professional Sharpening Services. This professional sharpening service is dedicated to both domestic and professional dog grooming scissors, pet grooming scissors, clippers, and clipper blades. They provide comprehensive servicing for all types of scissors and blades, ensuring they are returned safely and sharper than before.

Andrew is always happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. For inquiries, please contact our sharpening engineer, Andrew Rattray, at The Gay Blade.

We understand that maintaining the performance of your grooming tools is vital for your success as a dog groomer. That’s why we recommend The Gay Blade Professional Sharpening Services to ensure your dog grooming scissors are always at their best.