Dragonball GT Episode 18: The Good, the Bad, and the Powerful

dragonball gt episode 18

✨GT Stands for Good Time?✨


✨ “Good” “Ideas”, Poorly Executed✨

So finally, General Rildo makes his move to fight the GT crew. However, I have a big gripe with this episode – why did he take so long to act, and why isn’t he taking the fight seriously? As Rildo approaches the GT gang, Goku and Trunks sense a powerful energy approaching, reminiscent of Frieza, Cell, and Buu. Rildo is portrayed as a significant threat, planning to conquer the universe and replace organic life forms with Machine Mutants. Toei clearly intended to make Rildo the most formidable villain in the entire franchise so far.


Goku even comments that Rildo’s power is greater than Buu’s, although this caused some controversy among fans. Rildo is now considered the strongest character in the Dragon Ball franchise up to this point. However, Pan surprises everyone by punching Rildo, who initially goes down but quickly recovers. It becomes apparent that he was only toying with her.

The question is, why? Rildo is the top member of Dr. Mu’s evil robot army and has shown intense loyalty and professionalism. He was ordered to capture the GT gang alive, and when the previous attempt failed, he took matters into his own hands. So why is he wasting time with Pan instead of carrying out his mission?


When Rildo finally attacks, he tries to attack Pan with a green laser but hits Trunks instead. Trunks is transformed into a metal sculpture embedded in a slab and is then teleported away. Pan and Goku, desperate to locate Trunks, confront Rildo who arrogantly reveals where Trunks has been taken – a towering structure in the city.

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Pan rushes to rescue Trunks, but unfortunately, she arrives too late. She witnesses Trunks being teleported away, leaving her angry and blaming Giru for their predicament. But then, something strange happens, and Pan finds herself back at the entrance of the tower, confused about what just occurred.

None of this would be a problem if the Machine Mutants had used these tricks before. Trunks and Goku were already captured in Episode 16, but the Machine Mutants only used knockout gas to subdue them. Later, they realize their strength and decide to send them to Dr. Mu’s laboratory for study. It’s frustrating to see the introduction of new gimmicks without any explanation as to why they weren’t used earlier.


Despite its flaws, this episode offers a fresh approach to the conflict. However, it contradicts the established premises of the previous episodes and repeats plot elements, such as Trunks being caught, Pan attempting a rescue, and Goku fighting the main villains alone.

✨Positivity Page✨


Despite its shortcomings, Episode 18 is my favorite so far. There are three reasons for this. Firstly, the animation and character models are significantly better than previous episodes. Goku and Rildo look impressive, and their movements are fluid and satisfying to watch. Secondly, the episode effectively utilizes its entire runtime, ensuring there is always something happening. Unlike previous episodes filled with unnecessary padding, this episode keeps the story moving at a steady pace. Lastly, Pan finally gets a chance to shine. Although her rescue attempt fails, her involvement adds depth to the storyline and provides valuable information about Trunks’ whereabouts.

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✨Is this episode worse than “The Roaming Lake”?✨

I must admit that this episode is not on par with the standards set by Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. However, my dilemma lies in determining whether this episode surpasses the absolute worst episode of the series, “The Roaming Lake.” Although Episode 19 shows improvements in animation quality, the weak fight choreography and uninspired plot still hinder its overall impact. “The Roaming Lake,” on the other hand, although weak itself, offered a different concept that stood out among the episodes. It is evident that the creators needed a few filler episodes during the transition from the 21st World Tournament to the General White arc, and they successfully implemented unique storylines. Ultimately, Episode 19 falls short of breaking the streak and is considered worse than “The Roaming Lake.” However, there is hope that future episodes may bring about a significant change.

✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨

Yes, he’s alive,
In perfect hibernation.
Beam him up, Scotty.


*Note: The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku is a tribute to the late wrestling writer Blade Braxton, who provided humorous and insightful haikus in his reviews.