Fruits Basket Rating: A Roller-Coaster of Emotions

fruits basket rating

If you were to ask me how I feel about Fruits Basket, I would have to say that it’s a complex mix of emotions. I can no longer remain impartial or indifferent when it comes to this series – it has become an integral part of who I am as an anime and manga fan. Fruits Basket has taught me so much about the emotional spectrum that comes with being a fan of this medium, and that’s something I hold dear.

The Bittersweet Finale

Fruits Basket

The finale of Fruits Basket encompasses everything that the series is – and isn’t. The drama is intense, sometimes to the point of being overwhelming. The humor doesn’t always hit the mark. The series tries to squeeze in too many character arcs within a limited amount of time. Yet, even with its flaws, I can’t deny that it still resonates with me. Even when I’m annoyed, I can’t help but feel something. And ultimately, it’s not just about how the series concluded, but the fact that it ended at all. For me and countless other fans, this is a monumental event that we never thought would happen.

Moments that Matter

Fruits Basket

Let’s talk about the pivotal moments that carry significant weight. One such moment is when Tohru gathers Kyou’s beads and returns them to him. It’s a powerful affirmation that the past, no matter how painful, must be acknowledged. It has shaped our present, scars and all. Another impactful moment is when Rin declares that she can never forgive Akito, in contrast to others who appear to have forgiven. Rin is not crazy or wrong – she’s the one who speaks the truth. The way Akito’s fate unfolds feels like a karmic injustice, and even if others forgive, they should never forget.

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Unresolved Heartbreak

Fruits Basket

Unfortunately, Momiji, one of the standout characters, doesn’t receive the resolution he deserves. As a narrative creation, Momiji is the highlight of Fruits Basket for me, and his character arc is truly heart-wrenching. He loses the love of his life and his family situation remains unresolved. Despite this, Momiji remains the strongest, most compassionate, and positive character among the Sohmas. Life has often been unfair to him, and it breaks my heart.

Tying Loose Ends

Fruits Basket

The finale feels like a checklist of resolutions for secondary characters and their dramas, as expected. Yuki and Machi’s story gets the closure it deserves, with Yuki delivering the final impactful speech. However, it would have been nice to see Yuki apologize for his mistreatment of Kyou over the years. But apparently, the narrative doesn’t believe he has anything to apologize for.

The Power of Bonds

Fruits Basket

The departure of Kyou and Tohru is truly heartbreaking. This past was filled with pain for everyone involved, but it also forged new bonds to replace those that were destined to shatter. As shown in the flashback from Episode 11, bonds are a double-edged sword, vulnerable to abuse. However, they also provide us with reassurance that we are not alone in this universe. And that is something truly invaluable.

The End of an Era

Fruits Basket

And so, it concludes. After this emotional roller-coaster ride spanning twenty years, Fruits Basket has come to an end. It feels more real than ever, now that it has played out on-screen. I’m grateful that I stuck with it, even during the difficult times, because the rewards it offers are truly exceptional. As the saying goes, “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” That’s how Fruits Basket feels to me – like family, with all its complexities. Despite the times it has frustrated and driven me crazy, I can’t let it go. It’s a part of my past, shaped who I am today, scars and all.

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Thank you for joining me on this journey!
