Fecomic – Gabriel Dropout Episode 7: Vigne Takes Center Stage

gabriel dropout episode 7

Finally, after being the perpetual voice of reason in the previous episodes, Vignette April Tsukinose, affectionately known as Vigne, gets her turn in the spotlight in Gabriel Dropout Episode 7. As the only member of the main cast who hasn’t received much individual attention, fans have been eagerly awaiting this moment. And let me tell you, Vigne doesn’t disappoint!

Vigne’s Demon Side Unleashed

The first segment of the episode showcases Vigne’s attempt to embrace her demon side after her monthly stipend from the Demon World is reduced. However, true to her kind-hearted nature, her attempts at villainy fall flat. To satisfy her need to be “bad,” she makes small alterations to her school uniform and skips taking notes during class. These feeble acts of misbehavior provide some great laughs, especially when Satania praises Vigne for her uniform alterations, oblivious to their lack of true evilness. But the real comedic gold comes from Master’s reactions to Vigne’s desire to “do bad deeds,” in his innocent ignorance of their otherworldly origins.

Friends and Udon to the Rescue

In the second segment, Vigne catches a cold and decides to stay home from school. Her well-intentioned friends, Satania and Raphiel, visit her apartment armed with badminton equipment and a board game, but only manage to annoy the sickly demon. When Gabriel drops by with Vigne’s homework and some surprise udon and vitamin water, Vigne’s heart is warmed by her friend’s kindness.

While the second story doesn’t quite match the comedic heights of the first, it still has its moments. Vigne spends most of the segment drifting in and out of slumber, creating a slow and sleepy vibe. The “counting Gabriels” joke may have overstayed its welcome, but it’s balanced by Gabriel’s rarely seen good side, highlighting her care for her friend.

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Vigne’s shining moment

Episode 7 is Vigne’s time to shine. As the moral center of the show, she steps out of her comfort zone without compromising her values. Vigne proves that she can hold her own in the spotlight, leaving fans wanting more of her witty banter and endearing charm.

It is worth noting, however, that the titular character, Gabriel, remains the least developed member of the main cast. While she serves as a one-note character, it is high time for her to have more screen time and further exploration.

Rating: B+

Gabriel Dropout is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

And that’s it for this episode of Gabriel Dropout. Stay tuned for more exciting updates on our Fecomic website. As always, our beloved anime continues to delight and entertain us with its lovable characters and hilarious antics. Until next time, my fellow anime enthusiasts!