Goblin Slayer: Rediscovering the Dark Fantasy Genre

goblin slayer review

I finally gave Goblin Slayer a chance after months of hesitation. The initial uproar surrounding the gritty and morbid fantasy story intrigued me. It seemed that many people were unable to handle the dark and twisted themes presented in the series. However, as a seasoned fan of dark fantasy literature, I knew there were far more disturbing and sinister stories out there. From Prince of Thorns to Hellsing, the genre has always served as a contrast to traditional fantasy, challenging the typical narrative of heroes and grand quests.

Dark fantasy explores the unsavory elements of fantasy worlds, delving into topics like rape, antiheroes, gore, horror, and senseless violence. It provides a refreshing departure from the repetitive tropes of the genre. While some may find the stark reality of these stories shocking, it is essential to remember that the genre has been around for a considerable time. The backlash against Goblin Slayer perplexed me. It was far from the worst dark fantasy has to offer. In this retrospective review, let’s explore what made Goblin Slayer so unique and why it faced such abhorrence from certain viewers.

Goblin Slayer takes place in an unnamed fantasy world reminiscent of pen and paper RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons. Here, various races coexist, each with its own characteristics, history, and religion. Adventurers choose their class and rank up through a leveling system. Magic-type classes receive miracles from their deities, allowing them to cast spells according to their rank. This straightforward system makes it accessible even to those unfamiliar with high-geek culture.

The crux of the story lies in the goblin race and their place in this world. Despite their child-like intelligence, goblins are a menace to humanity due to their cruelty, disregard for life, and alarming reproduction rate. They harass other races, prey on young women, and are generally underestimated due to their relatively low threat level. It is only when beginner adventurers go missing on goblin subjugation quests that people take notice and join the fight against these creatures.

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I’ve always seen the goblins in Goblin Slayer as loose allegories for real-life organized crime or the atrocities committed during war. They commit heinous acts, spreading terror and violence while serving as foot soldiers for a greater evil. The show’s relatability stems from the depiction of obvious terrors that exist in both our worlds. While we may face some form of evil on a daily basis, few of us expect to confront such horrors as portrayed in the series. Goblin Slayer taps into the ubiquitous fear that lurks in our lives.

Our protagonist, the Goblin Slayer, stands apart from the rest of the cast. Unlike others who are referred to by their class, race, or occupation, the Goblin Slayer’s name is his vocation. He dedicates himself entirely to hunting goblins, caring little for external opinions or societal norms. His quest for vengeance stems from the traumatic experiences he endured in his past. His journey from a lone wolf to a pack hunter showcases his growth and development as a character.

The companions who join the Goblin Slayer on his mission experience their own transformation. They come to understand the true threat posed by evil and recognize the need to confront it. However, they still hold onto their individual beliefs and goals. They assist the Goblin Slayer not out of a sense of righteousness, but because they genuinely appreciate him as a person. This difference in mindset highlights the distinction between a deeply traumatized individual, like the Goblin Slayer, and others who are still relatively unscathed by the horrors of the world.

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The themes of chance and self-reliance permeate through the show. Dice motifs are prevalent in the mythos of the world, reflecting how the gods used them to shape its creation. The characters, too, are subject to the whims of these dice-rolling gods. While the Hero possesses incredible power from the start, the Goblin Slayer hones his skills and undergoes a gradual transformation. He defies chance, refuses to let his fate be controlled by external forces, and remains vigilant in his pursuit of justice.

Goblin Slayer serves as a reminder that the fantasy genre holds countless untold stories. Whether it’s a tale of a Chocobo breeder or an industrialist innovator, the possibilities are endless. As a fantasy enthusiast, I thoroughly enjoyed Goblin Slayer for its engaging story, character development, and world-building. It prompted me to reflect on the malleability of the genre and the diverse narratives it can offer.

If you’re searching for an unconventional and thought-provoking dark fantasy series, Goblin Slayer is definitely worth a watch.
