Grand Blue Chapter Analysis: SAE With a K

Welcome back, manga enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into another exciting chapter of Grand Blue. So, get ready to ride the waves of laughter and anticipation with us!

Dolphin Introduction

Let’s start by taking a closer look at Dolphin. The staff members are brimming with potential, and their first impressions are quite intriguing. Speaking of first impressions, when they received information about Kohei and Iori from their uncle, it wasn’t the smoothest introduction. However, the uncle’s presence, albeit limited, adds a certain charm to the story. By the way, have you ever wondered when and where he managed to snap that photo of Iori and Kohei? Though they may be comfortable in their birthday suits, it still raises eyebrows!

The Best Customers

In this chapter, we are torn between two hilarious moments: Cakey’s disastrous pads and the cast’s attempt to act normal in front of the wackiest customers. We couldn’t help but laugh when Cakey fully embraced her “cake mode.” Additionally, the scenes where the characters try to maintain their composure are simply hilarious. Poor Maki just couldn’t keep it together!

Chisa & Her Mom

The relationship between Chisa and her mother has caught our interest. Our theory is that Chisa’s mother constantly strives for perfection and places high expectations on her daughter. However, Chisa, being a quiet and reserved individual, doesn’t often respond to her mother’s pressure. This dynamic seems to have created a sense of resentment within Chisa. There’s definitely more to explore in this compelling relationship, and we can’t wait to see how it unfolds!

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Cakey’s Is STUFFED with Emotions

Cakey seems determined to impress someone, but who could it be? Considering she knows that Iori is attracted to girls with bodies like Asuza or Nanaka and vibrant personalities, we can’t help but wonder who might have caught her eye. Jokes aside, it’ll be interesting to see how this storyline develops. With Aina vying for Iori’s attention, Cakey and Iori seem to have a more realistic shot at becoming a couple. Although they’re not related by blood, their chemistry and interactions in the series are undeniably captivating.


Rarely do we come across chapters that focus on diving. But when we do, we can’t help but appreciate Yoshioka’s exceptional artistry. The underwater scenery portrayed in this chapter is truly breathtaking. The diving sequences are nothing short of amazing, leaving us yearning for a chance to experience it ourselves. Let’s just say, it’s a visual feast!

That Cliff Hanger Doe.

Now, let’s talk about that cliffhanger! This ending leaves us hanging on the edge of our seats, wondering which direction the story will take. Will Kohei become the most serious character we’ve ever seen, or will the tables turn with a surprising twist? We have to admit, waiting an entire month for the next chapter is like torture! Nevertheless, we’re grateful that this month’s chapter arrived ahead of schedule. We’d also like to extend our appreciation to Crunchyroll for bringing such a masterpiece to us legally. Your support means everything to us! If you still enjoy our content, feel free to subscribe to our Grand Blue subreddit and stay updated. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the series. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with us!

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So, get ready for the next chapter of Grand Blue and remember to check back in with Fecomic for more exciting updates. Stay tuned, folks!