Hataraku Maou-sama Episode 12: An Epic Conclusion to the Battle!

hataraku maou-sama episode 12

Welcome back, my fellow manga enthusiasts! Today, we delve into the thrilling finale of Hataraku Maou-sama Episode 12. Our beloved protagonists, Satan and Alsiel, are in a race against time to find Raguel. But will they discover him at Tokyo Tower or Tokyo Sky Tree? Let’s dive in and find out!

The Unexpected Encounter

Emilia embarks on her own mission, heading to Tokyo Sky Tree to locate Raguel. However, her path crosses with Gabriel, the archangel who appears to be aiding their elusive target. Tensions rise as Gabriel unveils two shocking revelations: Emilia’s father, Nord Justina, is alive, and angels are not celestial beings but rather humans in disguise!

A Devastating Blow

Emilia, known as Emi Yusa, is left utterly stunned by these revelations. How could she have sworn revenge against the demon lord all this time, only to discover her father is alive? Questions swirl in her mind as she wonders about Nord Justina’s whereabouts. Gabriel’s insensitivity in delivering this news earns him the scorn of Lucifer, rightfully berating him for his lack of tact.

A Twist of Fate

Meanwhile, Crestia Bell and Lucifer employ sonar pulse technology to locate Raguel. To their surprise, they stumble upon Chiho Sasaki, who, unfortunately, appears to be under the control of someone else. Could it be Nurse Lailah from the previous episode? Despite this setback, Chiho’s determination to help leads her to fire a divine arrow into the sky, forever altering the Tokyo skyline.

Angel vs. Demon

As Crestia and Lucifer attempt to interfere, Gabriel’s legion arrives to halt their progress. Their presence proves to be nothing but an annoyance, prompting Crestia to teach them a lesson with her trusty mallet. Suzuno Kamazuki, also known as Crestia Bell, proves that she is not someone to be trifled with.

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The Final Confrontation

Satan and Alsiel finally reach Tokyo Tower, only to realize Raguel is on the ground floor. To their surprise, Raguel turns out to be a funny-looking foreigner sporting sunglasses and a blue afro. While relieved to have found him, Satan and Shiro Ashiya cannot hide their frustration at the exhaustive search they endured. Their anger boils over, and they transform into their demonic forms, ready to confront Raguel.

A Surprise Ally

Gabriel, realizing his defeat is imminent, decides to assist Raguel in locating the Yesod shards. Displeased with Gabriel’s presence, Satan decides to put an end to him once and for all. In a bold move, Satan snatches Raguel’s cola bottle and crushes it in front of Gabriel, hoping to provoke him. Gabriel, unable to display anger, is instead disappointed that his favorite shirt has been ruined.

A Hero Rises

Emilia, still devastated by the shocking revelations, finds solace in the presence of Alas Ramus, her beloved daughter. Determined to hold Gabriel accountable for his insensitivity, Emilia takes a stand. However, it becomes increasingly clear that Gabriel possesses great strength, and even Satan struggles to land a blow. Can Emilia find a way to defeat Gabriel and protect those she cares about?

Divine Punishment

Raguel finds himself under attack, losing his divine powers when Chiho Sasaki shoots him in the back. This act of retribution comes as payback for Raguel’s actions in knocking her unconscious in a previous episode. Raguel proves to be a weak pushover, defeated with a single arrow.

Retreat and Reflection

Gabriel, realizing the scale of their defeat, decides to retreat. While capable of taking down Satan on his own, Gabriel understands that with Alas Ramus by Emilia’s side, victory would be uncertain. Gabriel vows to return another day, ensuring he will not suffer such a humiliating defeat again.

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A Strange Dream

Satan, finally able to catch Chiho Sasaki, discovers that she has lost her divine powers temporarily. Curiously, Chiho recounts a peculiar dream where she witnessed a tiny demon being aided by a guardian angel. This dream bears a striking resemblance to Satan’s own journey when he was a weak demon in Ente Isla. Mysteries abound as the true nature of Chiho’s dream remains unknown.

Lailah’s Secret Agenda

Lailah, the enigmatic nurse, confesses that she entrusted one of the Yesod jewel shards to Satan, hoping he could restore Ente Isla. However, due to her secretive nature, Lailah cannot reveal her face to Satan or Emilia just yet. Unbeknownst to them, Lailah is involved in a plot far more dangerous than Gabriel or the priest Olba Mayer. Only time will tell what her true intentions are.

Final Thoughts

The second season of Hataraku Maou-sama! proves to be a mixed bag. While the story takes an intriguing turn with the introduction of Alas Ramus and the Yesod shards, the execution falls short. Characters like Gabriel fail to captivate, while the battle in the final episode feels underwhelming. However, let’s not lose hope! Kadokawa announced that the third season will air in 2023, promising another chance for this beloved series to shine.

It’s been an exhilarating journey through Hataraku Maou-sama Episode 12, my dear manga enthusiasts. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Fecomic! Remember to visit Fecomic for all your manga needs and discover a world of captivating tales. Until next time, happy reading!
