Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 13: A Journey of Vengeance

hero academia season 2 episode 13

And so the tale of revenge begins.

Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 13 (or Episode 26 in total) kicks off with Izuku catching the attention of people on the train who recognize him. It seems that many of the kids have gained recognition for their achievements in the Sports Festival, a sweet reward before they are tasked with choosing their hero code names with the guidance of Midnight. This is all because they are given the incredible opportunity to intern with pro-heroes and gain first-hand experience of the heroic world.

However, the happiness is short-lived. Iida’s brother has been left crippled by the villain Stain and can no longer pursue his dreams of being a hero. Although his brother asks him to carry on his legacy by taking on his hero name, Iida is not ready to do so just yet and decides to stick with his own identity. As for Izuku, he clings to the name “Deku,” explaining that he wants it to hold a special meaning.

After everyone has chosen their hero names, they are given the chance to select where they will be interning for the next week. Todoroki receives an offer from his father, while Uraraka decides to join a battle hero to gain combat experience. Izuku, on the other hand, receives an offer from Gran Torino, a hero whom All Might knows from his own time as a student at UA and who possesses knowledge of One For All. Gran Torino’s mysterious reputation makes Izuku uneasy, and even All Might seems worried.

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Meanwhile, Eraserhead privately deduces that Iida has chosen an internship location based on his desire for revenge against Stain. Iida keeps his intentions to himself, but Izuku senses that their choices this day will lead to future regrets. The episode ends with Izuku arriving at Gran Torino’s place, only to find the hero lying face down in ketchup.

After the intense events of the previous episode, we now begin a new arc where the young heroes-in-training receive guidance from their mentors. Little Izuku’s flashback was absolutely adorable, but his decision to embrace the nickname given to him by Bakugo and transform it into a name worthy of a hero is truly characteristic of him. And it seems that most of the others have also chosen fitting names.

However, we cannot overlook the darker aspects of this episode. Iida’s brother fell victim to Stain, a villain who has killed seventeen other heroes. Revenge burns fiercely in Iida’s eyes, and it is evident from Izuku’s contemplation that they will all carry regrets into the future. I, for one, am truly excited to see how it unfolds.

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