JeruTz Translations: Bộ Tam Thánh

Đặt tên mới: Anh chàng Thánh Dịch

Invaders who have time traveled from thirty years into the future – the mechanical lifeforms ‘UL’. Together with Ise’s children, who have pursued them from thirty years into the future, we encountered one of the ‘Invade Fanatics’, the leaders of the ‘UL’. The mechanical dragon named Garvarudan, against whom we battled. “….Having said all that, that was essentially what happened. You guys should also be careful.” ‘Understood.’ I concealed the truth from the ORC members and reported the main points about the ‘Unknown Enemy Lifeform’ going on a rampage. Since that mechanical dragon flew off, one day has passed. At this point, I managed to clean up the trees in the forest and was attempting to provide an excuse to my students who reside within Kuou Town…. “Sensei! We were also assaulted by them! Those guys….” “The members of the student council also apparently encountered them….” In this way, they reported having come into contact with the ‘UL’. Fortunately, they had not encountered the leaders or Loki and had not figured out the truth. For whatever reason, the enemy was showing no hesitation in attacking the people from this time period. Well, their goal being nothing short of rewriting history, it was actually rather natural that they would attack the comrades of the two heavenly dragons of this time period who had caused them so much trouble in the future. If they had come to the past in order to exert influence over history, it was understandable that they would assault us who were in their way. As for the silver lining, though those guys had traveled to this time period to change history, they had come to this timeline. For example, had they gone a little further into the past, back to before the formation of the ‘Khaos Brigade’, that would be an instant out. Had that been the case, as far as the power to fight those ‘UL’ head on, since Ise and company ought not to be enough, in that situation they would be one-sidedly slaughtered. As for the opponent’s means of transportation, whether it was accomplished using some kind of technique, or it was a result of unexpected happenings due to changes made to this timeline… I dare say, the latter seems likely… To my students I said, “Anyway, we ought to refrain from acting alone for now. Members of the rearguard especially must absolutely move together with the vanguard attackers even during midday. You should act in teams of no less than three.” Having delivered those precise words, I began heading towards the place where I had planned to meet with Ise’s children. Having arrived at a residential area park that was a short distance from Kuou Academy, I, taking a seat on the bench, received a report from Xenovia’s son – Zen. “Well then, Kurenai left to go meet up with your other siblings huh.” “Yes, it would seem that the predicted timing was slightly off, so he headed off to the vicinity of the corrected space-time coordinates of the arrival point.” Regarding the absent Kurenai, Zen explained that he had gone off to greet their other siblings. The children of Ise who had come to this place included Zen, Shirayuki, and Kurobara. “——Then, in addition to you as well as Shirayuki and Kurobara we met up with last night, you have other brothers and sisters who I have not yet met.” “Indeed, that is so.” As he explained it, since the battle with Garvarudan had happened just after meeting up with their other siblings, today they had arranged to meet up with them at the location. Having waited on the bench for about ten minutes, judging from how Zen kept glancing over at the park’s clock, I guessed that the agreed-upon meeting time had already passed. Seated next to each other on the corner of the bench, Shirayuki and Kurobara were stuffing their faces with a chocolate bar I had brought as emergency rations. As I had been tasting it, the two of them had been staring at me. “The sweets from this time period are also good nya.” “….Un, delicious.” They were apparently quite delighted with the chocolate bar. These apparently had inherited their mothers’ interest in food. “….They’re late huh.” Saying that, Zen stood up and started walking towards the exit of the park. At that moment, having seemingly discovered something near the entrance to the park, Zen stopped. “Oh no” he said while covering his face with his hand, seemingly annoyed. Concerned about what it was he had discovered, I, together with Shirayuki and Kurobara, made my way over to the park’s entrance, and directed my gaze at what Zen had been looking at. “Hey, obaa-chan, going by the map, I think we should be pretty close to the place.” There, on the opposing sidewalk across the street, there was a blonde-haired young girl with a map in one hand while holding an elderly woman’s hand with the other, while from behind them a chestnut-haired young boy followed. Raising their hands, the three people energetically crossed through the pedestrian crossing. Once across, the young girl and boy bowed deeply to the old woman while expressing their thanks with a “Thank you very much”. After confirming that the old woman had parted with the blonde-haired young girl and the chestnut-haired young boy, Zen approached the two of them while letting out a sigh. “Nee-san! You are publicly displaying your presence within this time period!” Zen spoke as such to the young girl. As Zen had said it wasn’t good to have too much contact with people from the past. Even in the case of that old woman, it seems that originally she had lost her way. By shortening the amount of time she remained lost, even this could result in changes in history. Even such a simple change could have consequences since it could turn out to have a tremendous impact down the road. Well, in the case of rescuing an old woman who was lost, it’s not likely that it would influence our future selves…. Upon recognizing Zen, the young girl put on a smile devoid of worry. “Ara, if it isn’t Zen. Were you were looking for us? Moreover even Shirayuki and Kurobara! Are? What about Kurenai nii-san?” The young girl paid completely no mind to what Zen had said. Apparently she was Zen’s older sister. “Nee-sama.” “Onee-chan nya‏♪” As for the two catgirls, they came together and embraced the young girl who held them in her bosom. Zen had become completely perplexed trying to interact with this young girl. “….Geez, nee-san is…. Is Kurenai nii-san just moving about as he pleases?” Zen spoke to the chestnut-haired young boy. “Shin, seeing as you were accompanying her…, it’s impossible huh?” The chestnut-haired boy – the boy he had called Shin, shrugged his shoulders. “….It’s usually impossible, since it is Airi nee-san.” The boy called Shin, along with the girl called Airi who had been standing behind, then became aware of me. Zen provided them with a brief explanation, and after they understood the situation they proceeded to formally introduce themselves. The girl gave a self-introduction. “Nice to meet you, first-generation Governor General Azazel. I am called Hyoudou Airi. My mother is Hyoudou Asia… um, in this time period she was called Asia Argento. I am the eldest daughter of my father, Hyoudou Issei.” Asia’s daughter! Aah, I had felt that that was the case. After all, her appearance is just like that of her mother right down to the color of her eyes. Even the length of her hair was a perfect match. Asia’s daughter doesn’t seem to be as vigorously lively as her, however…. Subsequently, the chestnut-haired boy – Shin, gave his greeting. There was a crucifix hanging on his chest. “Likewise, I am the son of the Sekiryuutei Hyoudou Issei and Shidou Irina – the third son named Shidou Shin.” This guy was Irina’s son, huh. In addition to having the same hair color, the face also matches. From this, it could be sensed that he was that girl’s son. Indeed, the ones Zen had planned to rendezvous with, they were Asia’s daughter and Irina’s son. Together with Zen – whether it was unexpected or just inevitable, it was the same combination of three like their parents, Asia, Xenovia, and Irina, who had such a good relationship. Having all them gathered here reminds me, even in this time period, they are wearing clothes that don’t stand out. Naturally, they weren’t ordinary clothes, but rather seemed to be specialized clothes that had been made to emphasize defense…. What their bodies had been clad in had been bestowed so as to not influence history, which made me think that they had been prepared by their parents from the future. Well, as far as the children I have met so far, they include Rias, Asia, Akeno, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina, and Kuroka’s children! All the same, I chose to inquire about the order of their births. “Just a minute, can you explain the order to me. Specifically I’d like to know your ages and the sequence in which you were born. Of those I’ve already met, Kurenai, Zen, Ex, Shirayuki, Kurobara, and now Airi and Shin…” At that point, they seemed to have understood even though I wasn’t able to talk smoothly. It was Zen who delivered the reply. “Kurenai nii-san is the eldest. The next one to be born was Airi nee-san. They were born in the same year. After that, there’s myself, Shin, and one other who are the same age. The next youngest is Ex and one other person, and then after Ex it’s Shirayuki and Kurobara.” From what Zen had said, I could sense that Ise had even more children! Oi oi oi, if that’s the case, just how many more are there!? “….Wait wait, if it’s as you say, it seems there ought to be a proportional number of little brats too….” To my inquiry, Zen nodded. “Yeah, they are non-combatants… or perhaps I should say that there is a significant number of our siblings who are still young. Those of us who have come to this time period, we are the members who have come of age to do battle.” “The numbers of us siblings who are interfering in this time period is a total of ten.” Shin continued to follow up on his reply. ….I see, so Ise and the others, they really went all out. Although one would expect devils to have a low birth rate, in this case, making a great contribution to the society of devils, Ise of the future, having fathered children to his heart’s content, had become a parent to so many. How? Wouldn’t it be unexpectedly difficult to have children with multiple women? There’s no mistaking that it’s absolutely mind-boggling. Fufufu, just imagining it was like drinking sake. As I was feeling astonishment and admiration, suddenly a miniature communication-type magic circle appeared next to Zen’s ear. It seemed to be a communication from the other siblings. “Hmm? Ahh, it’s you, huh…. What!?” Zen was astonished by the report he received. Simultaneously, Zen produced a small magic circle in his hand and projected a map from it. “No, just a, wait, Ex! Refrain from taking action on your own!! Didn’t we all agree to that when we came to this time period!? O-OI!! Ex!!” It appears that Ex – Rias’s son, was the one who was communicating, but Zen was yelling “OI!” angrily at what his younger brother was conveying. Airi inquired of Zen. “What’s the matter? Is it from Ex?” Zen nodded. “——Ex, he’s encountered the ‘UL’. The opponents are only the subordinates of the ‘Invade Fanatics’, however, that guy said he’d do it himself……!! He wouldn’t even send me the location!! Damn it!” Even though Zen had cursed, Airi was simply laughing out loud. “Well, that certainly seems like that child. Alright then, I’ll contact him personally.” As Airi said that, she made a communication type magic circle develop near her ear. It seems that it had immediately linked up with Ex. “Ex! It’s me, Airi. Since we will also be coming over there, please wait just a little. Please refrain from doing anything on your own.” At that instant, Airi was releasing a silent pressure from her entire body. For her to be exuding that from her entire body, this was some girl! Airi, who was floating a smile that was just like that of Asia, spoke to her little brother through the magic circle with intensity in her voice. “——Did you not hear what I said?” Seeing this, the pair of Shirayuki and Kurobara were hugging each other in fear. “Scary, Airi nee-san….” “Nyeah… never ever make Airi onee-chan mad….” It was apparent that Zen and Shin had both turned pale. ….Ooh, to think that the daughter of the gentle Asia would have become such a bold child….Clearly, something must have happened in the future. As I was thoughtfully pondering Airi’s face, the young girl, becoming aware of my gaze, touched her face with her hand while showing a confused expression. “….What is it? Is there something on my face?” “No, it’s just that you’re rather energetic for Asia’s daughter.” To what I had said, she looked at me blankly, and then broke out into hearty laughter. “Ahahaha, people often say that. Of all our mothers, she was the most airheaded of all of them. It’s because of that, right?” Asia’s daughter spoke with vibrant green eyes. That – without a doubt, that was the same look as her father Ise. “Naturally, I said ‘I will protect Okaa-san!’ just before I left.” The daughter of Hyoudou Issei….I could agree to something like this. Couldn’t it be said that that guy had produced some magnificent children? However, as I was thinking that, her siblings let out troubled sighs. “….Just now, it’s troubling how these things keep appearing before us every time, nee-chan.” “Going by all we’ve been told about the time father was young, this resembles that to some extent….” Zen and Shin were uttering such words of advice to their sister. Airi, the sister in question, replied while wearing an energetic smile. “What are you saying? Isn’t the front line my stage? I wouldn’t be a woman if I don’t dance flashily.” Having said this, Airi then spoke to me. “Come now, the First Generation Governor General, let us make our way to the coordinates that Ex has sent us.” ——The front line is my stage. It seemed certain that I would come to understand the meaning behind those words Airi had uttered. ——○●○— The place I transferred to together with Ise’s children – was in the neighboring prefecture. It was a certain quarry site deep in the mountains. ….Although it was a different location, it resembled the place where Ise and the others had previously battled Loki. This was the place that Ex said he discovered the aforementioned ‘UL’ . Even though it was still daytime, we could immediately sense that there were strange waves in the air coming from the quarry. This place had already been changed into a small unusual space. Surveying from under cover the entirety of bare rock of the quarry that resembled a special effects movie was a crimson-haired young boy maintaining an alert posture. We all walked up to Ex, at which point Airi inquired of him. “Well, what’s going on?” “….Just now, five of them transferred to this place.” As Ex said this, he pointed ahead. There was something like a large magic circle shining on the ground, and there was also an identical one floating in the sky above it. Stationed around the circumference of the magic circle were the small fry ‘UL’ who were acting as guards. From the magic circle in the sky, no more than half of a lustrous black object had appeared. It seemed to be in the process of transferring to this place. Already on the magic circle below, it was dotted with four identical black objects that had finished transferring. They all seemed to have the form of extremely thick cylinders. Those were also ‘UL’ then. Far from the human and dragon forms, there were these ordinary columns as well. ….Well, they were originally lifeforms from a parallel dimension. There would appear to be no method to measure them by our scale. From where in those thin arms did she get so much power. You could truly say that she was Ise’s daughter, as she completely resembles him as a power idiot. “We can’t just entrust this to Nee-san alone.” Leaving behind a red motion blur, Ex began chopping up the ‘UL’ at high speeds. As for Zen and Shin, they were stunned by how their older sister and younger brother had started a battle immediately upon arrival. ——Most likely, the ‘Invade Fanatics’ belonging to the ‘Eclipsed Seven Luminaries’ were manipulating the ‘UL’ and attempting to change history. Facing the oncoming threats, I had no choice but to reveal the truth to the ORC members about the ‘UL’ and the time-traveling invaders. It was then that Ise’s children, along with Airi, Zen, and Shin, appeared before the ORC members. The surprising truth about the children of the Sekiryuutei, as well as the power they possess, was revealed. They are the key to protecting the future from the ‘Invade Fanatics’. The battle to rewrite history has just begun!

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