Hirunaka No Ryuusei 78: The Ending That Will Complete Your Heart

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the latest chapter of HnR. It’s the chapter that brings everything together, the one that will leave you satisfied. Even though I had seen some spoilers, the emotional impact wasn’t as strong as I expected. But I still felt something. My eyes welled up with tears, my heart raced, and my hands clenched. It’s just that the usual silent screams were absent this time.

Mamura’s Mysterious Behavior Revealed

Ever since Mamura was introduced, we’ve all been wondering why he behaves the way he does around girls. Many of us speculated that it had something to do with his mother’s absence. And we were right. Mamura’s parents divorced when he was young because his mother had an affair. It’s surreal to think that they had “the talk” in front of their children. Perhaps it was unintentional, but such a young child hearing about infidelity is bound to have an effect. Mamura’s blushing habit still remains a mystery to himself, but perhaps his lack of experience with girls contributed to that reaction.

Mamura’s Journey to Love

Mamura lived a peaceful life until he met Suzume, the annoying potato girl who just wouldn’t leave him alone. But annoyance gradually turned into tolerance, and then interest. I loved reading his inner monologue about his feelings for her. He didn’t explicitly say it, but it was clear when he started noticing her. Mamura appears cool and reserved, but he’s incredibly thoughtful. Like anyone in love, he worries about her and the little things, like her meals. He even has dorky flashbacks of her.

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Suzume’s Choice

Suzume rejected Shishio, and he took it surprisingly well, admitting that he had expected it. However, hearing it directly from the person you love is still painful. After talking to Shishio, Suzume, in her own crazy way, immediately rushed back to Okinawa. She went searching for Mamura, probably after barging into the girls’ room and waking up Yuyuka.

And she chose Mamura.

Admit it, you’ve thought about this too. After everything they’ve been through, especially their little moments together—how could you not ship them? Suzume and Mamura are perfect for each other. Mamura loves Suzume deeply, and vice versa.

Suzume wasn’t the one looking for someone to light up her life as we thought. She is the daytime shooting star, and Mamura is the one gazing up at her.

Final Impression: A Satisfying Ending

Although I was disappointed that we didn’t get to see what happened after Mamura’s reply, considering their awkward situation, the ending still left me extremely satisfied. Yes, I’ve seen spoilers, and the initial emotional impact wasn’t as strong. But the happiness I felt is just as powerful. This manga is definitely one of the best for me. That’s why I give it a perfect 10/10. Despite the occasional angst and annoyance, they were necessary. Just like in life, there are ups and downs. (Mostly ups, really; it just depends on how you perceive events.)

Remember, if a manga makes you feel strongly, whether positive or negative, it’s a good manga!

PS: I’m going to miss this manga so much.
