His and Her Circumstances Review: A Bittersweet Love Story

his and her circumstances review

Romance, a complex and multifaceted genre, holds different meanings for everyone. Some seek a pure and focused love story, free of unnecessary drama. If you’re in search of such a romance, look no further than “Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou,” also known as “His and Her Circumstances.” This manga, created by Masami Tsuda, directed by the legendary Hideaki Anno, and animated at Studio Gainax, offers a captivating tale of love that will leave a lasting impression.

Production: A Visual Journey with Flaws

An anime’s animation is a crucial element to evaluate, and “Circumstances” does not disappoint… at least for the first three-quarters of its run. The characters are expressive, the transitions clever, and the visual metaphors on point. Despite simplistic character designs and backgrounds, the emotions and characters are vividly portrayed. However, around episode 19, the production quality begins to deteriorate. The animation loses its charm and detail, while the pacing slows down. Recaps and filler episodes further hinder the show’s progression. It’s unclear what exactly happened behind the scenes, but the downward spiral of the production significantly impacts the overall experience.

Narrative: A Refreshingly Mature Approach

At its core, “Circumstances” presents a straightforward romance story. Boy meets girl, initially rivals, but ultimately develop feelings for each other. What sets this series apart is its pacing and avoidance of clichéd drama. Unlike most romances that dwell on misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts, “Circumstances” takes a refreshing approach. The story progresses swiftly, allowing the relationship to develop naturally. The plot tackles real issues couples face, such as self-expression, affection, and balancing love with other aspects of life. It’s a breath of fresh air in a genre saturated with repetitive tropes.

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However, the narrative takes a turn for the worse in the last quarter of the series. Pacing slows down to a crawl, multiple arcs remain unresolved, and the plot relies heavily on overused tropes. The absence of a concrete ending leaves viewers unsatisfied. Despite its shortcomings, the first three-quarters of “Circumstances” stand as one of the most memorable and compelling romance stories.

Characters: Realistic, Introspective, and Flawed

The characters in “Circumstances” are a highlight of the series. Miyazawa, the female lead, stands out with her confidence, self-sufficiency, and genuine desire for connection. She defies the typical shy and demure love interest trope, capturing attention with her boisterous personality. On the other hand, Arima, the male lead, is emotionally distant and quiet. Both characters share a common desire for affirmation. Together, they form one of the most realistic and introspective couples in anime.

Moreover, the supporting cast receives adequate development. Tsubasa Shibahime, initially perceived as a spoiled brat, undergoes a transformation as her backstory is revealed. Unfortunately, the last quarter of the series sidelines her character, squandering the potential for further growth.

OST: A Breathtaking Musical Accompaniment

One aspect of “Circumstances” that deserves recognition is its outstanding original soundtrack. Composed by Shirou Sagisu, renowned for his work on “Bleach” and “Evangelion,” the OST enhances the emotional impact of the series. From the romantic brass melodies of “Peace Reigns in the Land” to the introspective piano tunes of “Treasure Every Meeting,” Sagisu masterfully captures the essence of each scene. The tragic pieces, “We Meet Only to Part” and “Souichirou Arima I,” leave a lasting impression. Despite the shortcomings of the series, the OST remains a shining example of its auditory excellence.

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Can the Destination Ruin the Journey?

In the end, “Circumstances” is a bittersweet love story that stumbles in its final episodes. The journey leading up to the last quarter is compelling, and the relationship between Arima and Miyazawa is endearing. However, the lack of closure and unresolved storylines leave a bitter aftertaste. A more satisfying ending could have compensated for the show’s shortcomings. Nevertheless, the experience of watching the first three-quarters of “Circumstances” is undeniably worthwhile.

Conclusion: A Mixed Recommendation

Despite its flaws, “His and Her Circumstances” offers a captivating love story worth exploring. It showcases the highs and lows of relationships with depth and maturity. However, be prepared for a disappointing ending that fails to deliver closure. If you can appreciate the journey and overlook the destination, this series is worth your time.

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