Elves & Dwarves in ‘The Rings of Power’ – How Long Can They Live?

The Lord of the Rings franchise and its latest series, The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, have captivated audiences with their rich world filled with diverse creatures and cultures. Elves and dwarves, in particular, have become iconic fantasy beings, leaving a lasting impact on the genre. But one burning question from Rings of Power fans remains unanswered: how long do elves and dwarves live?

The Immortal Elf

Elves are among the most intriguing characters in the Lord of the Rings franchise, boasting a deep and complex lore. One well-known fact about elves is that they are functionally immortal. According to the “Laws and Customs Among the Eldar” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Morgoth’s Ring, elves are bound to the Earth until its end. They possess near-immunity to diseases and can survive wounds that would be fatal to other creatures. However, elves are not invulnerable and can still be slain, especially during times of war.

Originally, the creator Ilúvatar intended elves’ souls and bodies to remain united for the entire lifespan of the world, making them practically invincible. However, Melkor’s evil actions disrupted this plan, allowing elves to be killed.

The Afterlife of Elves

Death is not necessarily the end for elves. In theory, they can be reincarnated. When an elf perishes, their spirit is called to the Halls of Mandos, located on the northern shore of Valinor. The Halls of Mandos serve as a waiting place for the souls of elves and men, similar to the concept of purgatory in various religions. Thorin alludes to this place in his final moments.

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While in the Halls of Mandos, the Valar can create a new body for the elf, identical to their previous one but free of any fatal injuries. However, if the elf has committed evil deeds, the Valar may delay or even deny the resurrection. Additionally, some elves may choose to remain as spirits, opting not to accept the new body.

Another way for elves to depart from the mortal realm is by growing weary of the world’s sorrows and burdens. They develop a deep longing for the sea, known as “sea-longing.” When this longing becomes overwhelming, they head to the Grey Havens and sail to Valinor, where the Valar take care of them.

In theory, elves can be immortal, but many choose not to be.

The Lifespan of Dwarves

Tolkien’s dwarves have a more straightforward lifecycle. According to The Peoples of Middle-earth, the 12th volume of the History of Middle-earth book, dwarves’ lifespans vary depending on their lineage.

Interestingly, the dwarf lifespan changes over time. As stated in “Durin’s Folk” in The Peoples of Middle-earth, by the Third Age, dwarves lived for an average of 250 years. However, there were exceptions to this, such as Dwalin, who lived for 340 years and crossed into the Fourth Age.

As Rings of Power is set during the Second Age, it can be presumed that the dwarves in the series will live longer than 250 years but likely under 340 years.

The dwarfs from Lord of the Rings are standing together.
Image via New Line Cinema.

In conclusion, elves possess near-immortality, bound to the Earth until its end, while dwarves have relatively shorter lifespans that may vary depending on their lineage. These fascinating creatures contribute to the rich tapestry of the Lord of the Rings universe, captivating audiences with their unique characteristics and histories.

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