Hunter X Hunter Sarasa: Togashi Yoshihiro’s Audacious Genius

hunter x hunter sarasa

Let’s just say it: Togashi Yoshihiro is a genius. His audacity knows no bounds. Reading/watching Hunter X Hunter sometimes feels like witnessing a divine revelation. It’s as if he’s taking dictation from God, just like what Salieri (in the movie “Amadeus”) says about Mozart. Though there have been moments of doubt, especially during the “Dark Continent” arc, it always feels like Togashi is following a meticulously planned masterpiece, gradually unfolding it before our eyes.

I must admit, I’m not completely sold on this arc yet. It hasn’t engaged me as much as its predecessors, and I worry that it might be too ponderous for Togashi’s physical limitations. However, in these past five chapters, Togashi has injected much-needed humanity into the “Dark Continent.” He has focused on characters with emotional connections, albeit not the most prominent ones in the vast cast. It’s almost as if he’s writing a side-story within the arc, reminiscent of the Chrollo-Hisoka Heaven’s Arena mini-arc. While this leaves me concerned about the bigger picture, it’s undeniably a remarkable run of chapters.

Togashi’s decision to portray Chrollo as a cinnamon roll is a bold move. Chibi-Chrollo is everyone’s little brother, and the expansion of the Phantom Troupe’s backstory has been highly effective. Chrollo was an exceptional boy – smart, resourceful, insanely talented (even as a seiyuu), and fiercely protective of his friends. We already knew that Meteor City was a dumping ground, and the residents considered the Phantom Troupe heroic. However, now we have a glimpse into how they became who they are.

But let’s not forget the atrocities committed by the Spiders. They have engaged in unspeakable violence, likely killing thousands of innocent people without remorse. The Kurta massacre, which we’ve only heard about second-hand, is still fresh in our minds. While Chrollo may have his reasons for leading the Troupe down this path, it doesn’t justify their way of life.

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A significant part of Chrollo’s motivation stems from Sarasa, a member of the proto-Spider gang despite her lower social status. Child kidnapping, murder, and slavery were rampant in Meteor City, but that doesn’t diminish the pain Chrollo feels for what happened to Sarasa. He blames himself for failing her, even at the tender age of eleven. The twisted twist of turning Meteor City into a haven for criminals who killed his friend is intriguing, albeit a bit rushed.

Kurapika, although absent from these events, looms large in the background. The young Chrollo is clearly a parallel to the Kurapika from the Phantom Rouge prequel manga, even with Sheila’s presence. Togashi seems intent on blurring the moral lines surrounding the Kurta massacre, which initially appeared black and white. He began this process in “York Shin” by showcasing the desperation for revenge that consumed Kurapika, leaving Gon worried for his well-being. Now, Togashi is taking the next step by revealing the reasons behind the Troupe’s actions, if not completely justifying them.

There may still be more revelations to come as the events unfold. Togashi has already shown us how deeply personal Uvogin’s death was for Chrollo. The Troupe’s outrage over losing a comrade, despite their own acts of murder, makes more sense when seen through their eyes. However, audacious and hypocritical as it may be, it’s still audacious and hypocritical.

And then there’s Hisoka, the ultimate X factor. He holds no grudge against the Troupe; all he seeks is the thrill of battle, and he knows that angering Chrollo will give him more of it. In a strange way, he aligns with Kurapika, despite their disparate motives. This creates a fascinating, nuanced, and tense situation that only Togashi can dream up. The question now is how well Togashi can incorporate this into the vast succession plotline and the “Dark Continent” arc itself. But doubting the man is a risk we should not take.

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Source: Fecomic