Jingi Naki Mukotori: A Story of Love, Betrayal, and Redemption

jingi naki mukotori

Chapter 22

Kira, the cunning leader of the Tsukishiro group, was keeping a close eye on Ageha. He had his men monitoring her every move. One day, they discovered that Ageha had been helped by a mysterious dancer after falling into the river. This dancer, named Hinagiku, seemed to have a hidden past. Despite being a famous dancer in Kyoto, there was no information about her. Something seemed off.

Meanwhile, Yuzuru, posing as Hinagiku, used his dancer persona to gather information and make connections. Although he despised dealing with unsavory characters, he played the part to achieve his goals. Yuzuru ordered his subordinate to dispose of Ageha, showing his ruthless nature.

Ageha, still hurt by Kira’s previous actions, was buying souvenirs for her loved ones when Kira unexpectedly showed up to help her. Although she initially pushed him away, Kira pleaded for reconciliation. He invited her to a “Pillow fight” event with their classmates, expressing his concern for her well-being. Ageha hesitated, afraid of making things awkward with their class, but Kira assured her that he didn’t want her to be alone.

Ageha, still in a trance from Kira’s words, struggled with her conflicting feelings. She convinced herself that Kira’s kindness was merely a ploy to become the next leader of the Tsukishiro group. Lost in her thoughts, Ageha retreated to her room, only to discover her classmates avoiding her. Their cold treatment hurt Ageha deeply.

Feeling dejected, Ageha decided to visit a bathhouse to find solace. She hoped to have the place to herself, but to her surprise, it was closed for cleaning. Little did she know that this closure was actually a trap set by hired killers targeting her.

Meanwhile, Kira grew worried when he heard about the bathhouse closure. He suspected something was wrong and rushed to the scene. On his way, a girl tried to warn him to leave Ageha alone, but he brushed her off, determined to protect Ageha. When he arrived at the bathhouse, a fierce battle ensued between Ageha and the assassins. Kira intervened just in time, saving Ageha from harm.

As they stood by the water, Ageha noticed the wound on Kira’s arm. Concerned, she insisted on treating his injury. Their intimacy grew, and in a moment of vulnerability, they shared a passionate kiss. Ageha realized that her hatred for Kira had transformed into something else entirely.

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Chapter 23

Ageha’s friend, Yuuko, witnessed the failed assassination attempt on Ageha and saw the two assailants fleeing. She overheard their conversation, learning that the job they took was offered by a yakuza. Troubled by this information, Yuuko rushed to find Ageha and make sure she was safe.

Meanwhile, Ageha and Kira, now a confirmed couple, embarked on a journey to mend their relationship. They engaged in heartfelt conversations, sharing their secrets with each other. Ageha confessed her feelings for Kira, while Kira acknowledged his involvement with the yakuza. Their bond grew stronger as they navigated the challenges ahead.

Yuuko finally caught up with Ageha and shared what she had discovered. Ageha listened attentively, absorbing the information about Kira’s yakuza connections. Despite the revelations, Yuuko expressed her trust in Kira and entrusted Ageha’s well-being to him.

In an attempt to leave the past behind, Ageha and Yuuko visited a tourist spot in Kyoto known for love charms. They participated in a symbolic challenge, hoping to bring luck to their newfound love. However, their peaceful moment was disrupted by a couple who verbally harassed Ageha. Kira, ever protective, intervened and declared his love for Ageha in front of everyone. Their love triumphed over the negativity, and Ageha became more confident in her choice of partner.

Chapter 24

Kira and Yuzuru, two powerful figures in the yakuza world, met in a secluded location to settle their differences. Yuzuru, the head of the Kuga group, questioned Kira’s motives for pursuing Ageha. He mocked Kira for his involvement with a woman from the Tsukishiro family, known for their unconventional tradition of choosing leaders. Yuzuru’s words left Kira unsettled but determined to protect Ageha at any cost.

Yuzuru revealed that he knew Kira’s true identity and expressed surprise at his fondness for Ageha. He criticized the Tsukishiro family’s traditions, calling them outdated. Tensions escalated, and Kira confronted Yuzuru, unwilling to let anyone harm Ageha. Kira’s fierceness caught Yuzuru off-guard, leading to a tense standoff.

The situation took a sudden turn when Yuzuru’s subordinates surrounded them. Kira’s strength had attracted attention, and Yuzuru’s caution urged him to retreat for now. He warned Kira to take care of Ageha and bid them farewell.

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Meanwhile, Ageha and Yuuko shared their concerns about Kira, discussing the implications of his yakuza links. They continued their journey, seeking a deeper understanding of their intertwined fates. Ageha’s heart ached for Kira, hoping to find a way to alleviate his suffering.

As they walked, a sudden downpour drenched them. Ageha couldn’t help but question Kira’s well-being as he appeared visibly distressed. To her surprise, Kira collapsed, coughing up blood. Fear consumed Ageha as she raced against time to save him.

Chapter 25

Kira was rushed to the hospital, leaving Ageha in shock and confusion. As she tried to make sense of the situation, she noticed a knife that had fallen from Kira’s bed. Blood stained the blade, intensifying her worries. Their teacher arrived, urging Ageha to return to their hotel.

As Ageha made her way back alone, she found solace in the rain. Memories of her recent encounter with Kira flooded her mind. She pondered why Kira had been absent from his group during that crucial time. Unbeknownst to her, Kira’s fate had taken a dark turn.

Out of the blue, Hinagiku, the dancer, appeared, offering shelter from the rain. Ageha, overwhelmed by emotions, sought comfort from this unexpected encounter. They decided to go to Hinagiku’s place to dry off and talk. However, Ageha couldn’t ignore the hidden wound on Hinagiku’s neck, raising her suspicions.

Ageha confronted Hinagiku, brandishing the knife she had found. She demanded answers regarding Kira’s condition. The truth finally unraveled as Hinagiku’s disguise crumbled, revealing his true identity. Ageha’s instincts kicked in as she engaged in a fierce battle against Yuzuru’s subordinates, determined to know the truth.

Chapter 26

Ageha’s fight against Yuzuru’s subordinates intensified as she sought the answers she desperately needed. She refused to back down, determined to discover what happened to Kira. Yuzuru’s arrogance began to wane as Ageha’s strength and determination became evident. In a moment of vulnerability, Yuzuru proposed a dangerous ultimatum.

On the rooftop of Kyoto station, Yuzuru confronted Ageha, presenting her with a bottle of antidote for Kira’s poisoning. He revealed the twisted nature of the Tsukishiro family’s traditions, emphasizing the burden she carried. Yuzuru urged Ageha to make a decision that would shape their fates.

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Ageha, now standing on the edge of the building, faced a life-or-death choice. Yuzuru’s words rang in her ears, challenging her beliefs. But Ageha saw through his manipulations, recognizing his fear of her family’s power. With unwavering resolve, she defied Yuzuru, declaring her strength and determination.

As tensions escalated, Kira intervened, pushing Yuzuru away. The three of them teetered on the edge of the building, their lives hanging by a thread. Yuzuru pleaded for his life, Kira revealed the true extent of his poisoning, and Ageha suffered from the weight of their choices.

In a selfless act of love, Kira relinquished his own chance at survival, offering Ageha the antidote. Ageha, in turn, surprised Kira by drinking the antidote through a passionate kiss, vowing to share his fate. They sealed their commitment, affirming their love for each other.

Chapter 27

The precarious situation on the rooftop continued as Kira, Ageha, and Yuzuru fought against the forces working against them. Yuzuru’s desperation grew, realizing that his own actions had led to this moment. Kira, weakened by the poison, could no longer save himself, but he was determined to protect Ageha at all costs.

Yuzuru pleaded for forgiveness, desperately seeking a way out of his dire predicament. Ageha, torn between the love she had found and the weight of her family’s traditions, clung to the hope of survival. In a twist of fate, Kira punched Yuzuru, reclaiming control of the situation.

Kira presented Ageha with the antidote, acknowledging that his time was running out. Ageha, touched by his sacrifice, refused to let him sacrifice his life. They shared a tender moment, solidifying their commitment to each other. Ageha chose Kira as the man she would marry, affirming their love against all odds.

Their journey was far from over as they faced the consequences of their decisions. The tale of Jingi Naki Mukotori is a thrilling saga of love, betrayal, and redemption. Join Ageha and Kira as they navigate the treacherous world of the yakuza, fighting for their love and survival.

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