Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Diamond Is Unbreakable Episode 36

jojo's bizarre adventure diamond is unbreakable episode 36

They’ve done it again. Brace yourselves, because they’ve done something incredible with the opening! Remember that iconic moment in Stardust Crusaders when Dio entered the scene as the final boss and showcased The World’s time-stopping powers by freezing the next episode’s opening animation mid-song? Well, get ready because they’ve given us a Kira-version of this in Diamond Is Unbreakable, and it’s absolutely mind-blowing!

Great Days is already an amazing opening for Part Four, but this time, they’ve twisted it around. The animation plays in reverse, with pauses and tape-rewinding sound effects, perfectly capturing the theme of time reset. It’s both eerie and captivating, making Kira’s sense of control even more unsettling.

After last week’s episode, I had one burning question: Are the victims of Bites the Dust permanently dead? The answer is both yes and no. Hayato witnesses Rohan Kishibe’s death repeating itself, regardless of his own interaction with him. The initial interaction triggered the time reset, and now Rohan’s explosive demise is a fixed part of fate.

This episode mainly focuses on Hayato’s attempts to use this fate to his advantage in order to kill Kira himself. It implies that if he succeeds before anyone dies within a reset, there might be a chance to save them. This becomes crucial once Josuke and the rest of the gang arrive and start asking questions. If we do end up saving them, Rohan would likely be part of the deal too.

This Bites the Dust multi-parter puts Hayato at the center of the story, making him the protagonist for the time being. When Josuke and the others make their appearance, it’s almost surprising. Occasionally, Josuke takes a step back to give the spotlight to other characters for a few episodes. But once he returns, it reminds us that he’s the main character. I’m excited to see how these final Kira episodes bring Josuke back into the limelight. His healing and reset powers seem to have a philosophical connection with Bites the Dust, even if on a smaller scale. The parallel between these two powers is becoming more apparent.

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The stakes have never been higher. JoJo has always been a show that finds drama in the most unexpected places, creating absurdity. But now, it’s telling a gripping life-or-death story about heroes fighting against overwhelming odds. I’m on the edge of my seat, eagerly waiting to see what happens next. Kira seems to have thought of everything, and even when luck is not on his side, like in Hayato’s plan to trick him into getting shot by the cat-plant’s air bullets, somehow fortune smiles upon him. I can’t even fathom how the good guys will come out on top. I know they have to eventually, but I’m thrilled to witness it, just so I can stop asking myself, “How are they going to get out of this?”

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a show that effortlessly oscillates between being passive entertainment and an absolute must-watch that captivates your attention. The moments of goofing around make the serious, intense scenes all the more impactful.

Rating: A

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable is currently available on Crunchyroll.

Sam Leach writes and records about One Piece for The One Piece Podcast, and you can find him on Twitter @LuckyChainsaw