Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon Episode 7

I can see why Fafnir chose Lucoa.

As we dive into the seventh episode of Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon, prepare yourself for a delightful blend of humor, romance, and supernatural adventures. This episode takes us on a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns that will surely keep you entertained from beginning to end.

Fafnir’s Doujinshi Endeavors

In the first half of the episode, we discover Fafnir’s secret passion for creating his own doujinshi. To bring his manga to life, he enlists the help of Lucoa as his model. It’s quite amusing how Lucoa initially dismisses his request, only to eagerly agree when he pleads with her. As Fafnir reveals his story featuring an erotic and vulgar woman and a young boy, it becomes evident why he chose Lucoa for this project. Her curves and beauty perfectly embody the character he had in mind. Lucoa’s reaction upon seeing the sketches is priceless, leaving us wanting more.

I can see why her book sold out.

Lucoa’s Cosplay Photo Book

In another interesting turn of events, Lucoa decides to sell her own cosplay photo book at a convention. Unsurprisingly, both her book and Takiya’s book sell out quickly due to their popularity. However, Fafnir’s manga fails to garner any attention from potential buyers. It is clear that the specific themes explored in his work may not appeal to a wide audience. Nevertheless, Fafnir decides to send a copy of his manga to Lucoa’s residence, which happens to be Shouta’s house. Shouta’s disturbed reaction upon reading it sheds light on the unconventional nature of Fafnir’s creation. On a lighter note, Shouta’s discovery of Lucoa’s cosplay photo book named “Big Melons” provides a humorous explanation for Fafnir’s choice of Lucoa as a model.

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Yep, Kobayashi woke up late on her day off.

The Mystery of Sleep

While all these exciting events unfold, Tohru takes the opportunity to investigate the phenomenon of sleep. She questions Kobayashi about her daily routine, particularly why humans need to sleep. Tohru herself rarely sleeps, only succumbing to slumber when it’s cold or triggered by certain circumstances. This leads her to wonder about the purpose of sleep in the human world and its connection to boredom. In her typical blunt manner, she even compares Elma to a pig, much to their mutual amusement. Ultimately, Tohru learns that sleep is a natural necessity for humans, preventing exhaustion and enabling them to perform better during the day.

Tohru had a nice sleep.

Ghosts or Fairies?

The episode concludes with a captivating ghost-hunting adventure led by Riko, Kanna, and their friends. The group embarks on writing a newspaper article about ghosts, with Riko initially skeptical of their existence. However, her loyalty to Kanna persuades her to join in the fun. Amidst their mischief, they encounter a fairy disguised as a ghost in the school’s storage room. Kanna cleverly keeps this revelation to herself until she safely returns the fairy home. This experience serves as a valuable lesson for Riko and her friends, proving that ghosts are nothing more than figments of the imagination.

Riko’s ultimate dream, marrying Kanna.

In the end, Riko and her friends realize they need to find a new topic for their newspaper article. Despite this minor setback, the episode leaves us with heartwarming moments shared between Riko and Kanna, including Riko’s fantasy of marrying her beloved dragon girl.

With each episode, Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon continues to captivate viewers with its unique blend of humor, romance, and supernatural elements. If you haven’t been following this enchanting series, now is the perfect time to join in on the fun!

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