Koushaku Reijou No Tashinami Dean

Spoiler alert! In this article, I will be sharing the latest chapter of “Koushaku Reijou No Tashinami” with all you avid manga readers out there. Please note that the accuracy of this translation is not guaranteed, but I’ve done my best. So without further ado, let’s dive into the story!

Happily Ever After

A few years have passed, and I am now married to Dean, leading a blissful life. The only ones who know his true identity are my family, Letichia-sama, and my childhood companions. To the public, I am married to a commoner, which posed several challenges in our union. While my family did not oppose the marriage, other noble families were quite hesitant.

Especially the sons of those aiming to marry into the Armelia Duke Family were particularly resistant. However, with Letichia-sama’s support and the formation of alliances, we were able to overcome these obstacles and proceed with the wedding ceremony – albeit in a humble manner. But what truly matters is the fact that I am now united with the love of my life.

The one who seemed most ecstatic about our wedding was none other than the Empress Dowager, Eliya-sama. During the ceremony, she couldn’t contain her emotions, shedding tears of joy. I wonder what long-cherished dream of hers had finally come true. Dean, by my side, could only smile wryly.

A Smooth Transition

Managing the fief has been going smoothly. Without the presence of Ed-sama and his company, no one sees me as a burden anymore. Perhaps it is because Dean, my husband, has been incredibly helpful. He has become the official aid to the fief, earning recognition for his hard work. The treasury officials were overjoyed to see him reinstated, even though their faces seemed slightly pale. But of course, nothing comes without challenges.

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It seems that peace is not a word in my vocabulary. Despite that, my subordinates are experienced and capable. With their help, we have managed to make great progress. The cities in the Armelia territory now boast the highest population in the kingdom of Tasmeria, with cutting-edge technology being fostered in schools, leading to a thriving market.

Each town has established schools and hospitals, making literacy and healthcare accessible to the people of the fief. The market is filled with imported goods from the Akasha Kingdom, bringing joy to passersby. Moreover, the exchange between the Armelia fief and the Akasha Kingdom has brought various technologies. The Azuta conglomerate, the most prominent company, has skyrocketed and is preparing to open a branch in the Akasha Kingdom.

In the midst of all this, my contact with Kardil-sama continues. Sometimes, he still tries to persuade me to visit the Akasha Kingdom, even though it’s not in a romantic sense but merely as a recruitment attempt. I secretly find it cute how Dean gets annoyed every time this happens.

Letichia’s Reign

Letichia, the first female queen in power, showcases her diplomatic prowess alongside Bern. What surprised everyone was that they got married just two years after Letichia ascended the throne. The shock and excitement were immeasurable. Dean seemed to have had an inkling about their relationship, but he never expected them to tie the knot.

Even more surprising was the fact that Letichia was the one who proposed. When asked what she liked about Bern, she mentioned his good judgment and way of thinking. It left me bewildered, but I decided not to pry further.

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Joyful News

“Milady, I have brought tea,” Tanya said as she entered the room. Tanya, who is sometimes my secretary and other times a resourceful informant, is currently pregnant. Her partner is none other than Dida. The other servants were initially shocked, but since it was Dida, they quickly accepted the situation.

“Don’t overexert yourself with your condition, Tanya,” I advised her, concerned for her well-being. Tanya jokingly retorted, “Who stopped me from working when I was conceiving?” Unable to argue with her, I insisted she take a break and rest in the study.

After Tanya left, my child, Elpis, entered the room. Elpis, with his silver hair and eyes, takes after me, but everything else about him resembles Dean. “What’s wrong, Elpis? Weren’t you with someone else?” Dean joined us, scolding Elpis while holding our eldest daughter, Rutie, in his arms.

Rutie, who looks just like Dean with her hair and eyes, jumped into my embrace with a smile. She patted Elpis on the head, and I welcomed her. Rutie said, “Elpis really likes the government affairs office.” Curious, I asked why. Rutie explained that she found the secretaries working tirelessly for the people to be incredibly cool, like superheroes. She admired their dedication and felt it was wonderful how their collective strength made them heroes to someone.

My dear Elpis is quite mature for his age, much like Dean. “Wow, Elpis. Do you want to work like them in the future?” I asked him. Elpis replied with a resounding “Yes,” and I lovingly patted his head, expressing my excitement for his future endeavors.

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“The admiration you have during childhood is special,” I told Elpis. “It’s innocent and devoid of any selfishness. It’s a beautiful thing to think something is cool without any ulterior motives. If you wish to pursue that admiration, you have to work hard. When faced with obstacles, if you still yearn for that path, go for it. But if you decide to walk a different path, that’s perfectly fine too. Your hard work will never betray you.”

Elpis blinked with surprise, and I could see his admiration only growing. “I understand, Mother. I will do my best,” he said earnestly. “But don’t try too hard. If you grow up too quickly, I will be lonely. Stay my cute little Elpis just a little longer,” I teased affectionately.

Dean, who had been listening, stepped forward and confessed, “Elpis, and Dean… If you want to say we’re idiot parents, go ahead.” Elpis blushed and stammered, “That’s not true. I’m happy, Mother.”

Amidst the flustered conversation, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with love for my child. But Dean quickly changed the mood by carrying Elpis and suggesting that we should take a break and enjoy some quality family time. I agreed, mentioning that there were no urgent documents at the moment, and that they would be taken care of once I handed them over to Dean. We decided to indulge in Merida’s treats while cherishing our time together as a family.

As we walked together, embracing our children, I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness. This, I thought, is true bliss.