Made In Abyss: A Controversial Anime Series Reveals Dark Truths

made in abyss controversy

A scandal has erupted in South Korea surrounding the promotion of a controversial Japanese anime series, Made In Abyss, by some of the country’s top K-pop idols. This anime, known for its disturbing content involving child torture and abuse, has sparked outrage not only in Korea but also around the world.

The Shocking Storyline

Made In Abyss revolves around the journey of Riko, a 12-year-old orphan, and her friendship with a part-robot boy named Reg. Together, they embark on a perilous adventure into a mysterious abyss that leads to the center of the earth. Their mission is to find Riko’s mother, but what awaits them is a series of unimaginable horrors.

Questionable Scenes and Intense Violence

According to IMDB, Made In Abyss includes several scenes that have raised concerns. Some of these scenes involve implied nudity and disturbing violence. Viewers witness Riko being tied up naked with bondage-style ropes and hung from a ceiling. Another horrifying scene depicts a five-minute amputation of a limb. Additionally, the second season of the series features graphic scenes of murder, taking the violence to another level.

The Outrage and Backlash

News of these scenes has led to the condemnation of local K-pop idols by many fans in South Korea. The revelation has shocked and disgusted fans, who accuse the idols of promoting and supporting such disturbing content. The scandal has even spread to the international K-pop community, where some people defend the series as art while others express their disgust.

A Divide in Opinions

While many anime fans in the West have come to the series’ defense and highlighted its mainstream popularity, others remain critical. Some argue that Made In Abyss is wrongly perceived as child torture pornography when, in fact, it is a dark adventure story about two children exploring a deep abyss filled with various creatures and treasures.

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Made In Abyss: A Cultural Phenomenon

Regardless of the controversy, Made In Abyss has gained immense popularity worldwide. It has received critical acclaim from reputable sources such as Forbes and IGN and has been honored with multiple awards. The series has even expanded into other mediums, with a video game released last year and a live-action Hollywood film currently in development.

In conclusion, Made In Abyss has stirred up a storm of controversy due to its disturbing content involving child torture and abuse. The series has faced backlash from fans and sparked intense debates within the K-pop community. Whether seen as a work of art or condemned for its questionable scenes, Made In Abyss has undeniably made its mark in the anime industry.
