Mitsuhide Akechi – Sengoku Basara

A Tragic Love Story of Loyalty and Desire

Imaan’s POV

Ever since I was young, I was taken from my family and dedicated my life to serve the Oda clan. Nobunaga became the center of my world, my every thought and action were for him. But as I grew older, I began to yearn for his love, a love that he had already given away to his wife, Nōhime. I felt heartbroken, wondering if I was nothing more than a child in his eyes.

But then, Akechi Mitsuhide entered the picture. He was a fierce and unpredictable strategist, much like Nobunaga himself, but with a different approach. My duty was to ensure he did not cause trouble or betray our lord. Little did I know that this task would bring more confusion and emotions than I ever anticipated. Mitsuhide captivated me in a way I never expected.

One day, as we completed a successful mission, Mitsuhide asked if I had finished my surveillance. I replied, confirming that everything was in order. He teased me, noting how enraptured I was by Lord Nobunaga. I snapped at him, revealing my deep feelings for our lord. Mitsuhide, intrigued, wondered if my longing for Nobunaga would be worth my time.

As time went on, our bond grew deeper. We attacked together, shared our victories, and faced hardships side by side. Lord Nobunaga praised our efforts, but I couldn’t help feeling a sense of emptiness. I longed for his love, but it seemed he would never see me as more than a loyal servant.

One day, after a successful battle, Lord Nobunaga called for me in the bathhouse. I reluctantly entered, only to find him bathing, his chest exposed. He asked me about Mitsuhide, and I replied with admiration for his loyalty and strategic abilities. But Lord Nobunaga seemed unsatisfied with my answer, leaving me confused and questioning if I had missed something.

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Before I left, Lord Nobunaga called out again, instructing me to bring Nōhime to him. My heart shattered even further, realizing that he desired Nōhime’s company, not mine. I left the bathhouse, filled with sorrow, and sought solace in a small garden away from the castle.

To my surprise, Mitsuhide found me there. He taunted me, mocking my unrequited love for Nobunaga. I lashed out at him, desperately wanting him to leave me alone. But he revealed something unexpected, expressing that he could make me happy in ways that Lord Nobunaga never could.

His words ignited a spark within me, a forbidden desire that I couldn’t ignore. I knew it was wrong, but my heart couldn’t resist the temptation. I hesitated at first, but Mitsuhide persisted, promising to show me a world of pleasure that only a man and a woman could explore together.

We couldn’t resist the pull any longer. We found ourselves in an intimate embrace, hidden from prying eyes, giving in to our deepest desires. The cold weather and the risk of being discovered didn’t matter. All that mattered was the passion and connection we shared in that moment.

Months passed, and I realized I was pregnant with Mitsuhide’s child. The news of my departure from Lord Nobunaga’s side caused anger and frustration. But I knew I had to protect our child, so I left, seeking refuge in a secluded village far from the castle.

Mitsuhide continued to fight alongside Lord Nobunaga, making sure to visit me whenever possible. We cherished the moments we had together, carefully concealing our love and the secret of our child.

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The day of our daughter’s birth finally arrived. The pain was excruciating, but Mitsuhide stood by my side, assuring me that I could endure. As I gave birth to our baby girl, tears of joy streamed down my face.

We named her Tama-garasha, a combination of two names we loved. Our little family felt complete, and I couldn’t be happier. Though our future was uncertain, I knew that as long as we had each other, we could overcome any obstacle.

A Love Worth Fighting For

Imaan and Mitsuhide’s love story defied all odds. Their loyalty to Lord Nobunaga brought them together, but it was their shared longing and desire that ignited a forbidden romance. Despite the dangers and sacrifices they faced, their love remained unwavering.

Their journey was filled with heartache, secrecy, and unexpected turns, but their devotion to each other and their unborn child never wavered. It was a love worth fighting for, a love that transcended duty and societal expectations.

As their daughter, Tama-garasha, came into the world, they were filled with a joy that surpassed any hardship they had faced. Their little family became their sanctuary, a place of love and happiness amidst the chaos of war.

Imaan and Mitsuhide’s story serves as a reminder that love can bloom even in the darkest times. Their love was a secret, hidden from the world, but it brought them comfort and strength in the face of adversity.

Though their future remained uncertain, their love remained steadfast. They knew that no matter what challenges lied ahead, they would face them together, cherishing every moment they had as a family.

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In the end, their love prevailed, a testament to the power and resilience of the human heart. Their story is a reminder that love knows no bounds and can flourish even in the most unlikely of circumstances.

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