Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 Episode 7: The Return to Simplicity

mob psycho 100 season 3 episode 7

After the emotional roller-coaster that was the previous episode, Mob Psycho 100 takes a breather and returns to a simpler state in its latest installment.

Mob Psycho 100 is finally back, fulfilling years of anticipation. This action-packed and beautifully animated anime series has earned its place among the greats, even when its episodes are more laid-back.

The series, as described by Crunchyroll, revolves around Kageyama Shigeo, or “Mob,” a boy who struggles with self-expression but possesses immense psychic powers. Mob aims to lead a normal life and suppresses his ESP, but when his emotions reach 100%, something terrible happens to him!

Episode 7 brings us back to a simpler format after the intense action and emotion of the previous episode, yet it remains just as entertaining as ever. However, before we delve further, beware of spoilers for Mob Psycho 100!

The Telepathy Club’s Predicament

In this episode, we find ourselves with the Telepathy Club, facing a dilemma. With the school year coming to an end and no actual telepathy research conducted, Tome Kurata decides to disband the club. In a desperate attempt to keep it alive, the rest of the club asks Mob for help in finding other telepaths.

While the Telepathy Club members may not be the most captivating characters, they do provide some entertainment, aided by the show’s delightful animation, which adds a touch of comedy. This plotline also delves into the loneliness that psychic powers can bring, introducing a new telepath who initially comes across as snarky and distant. However, the episode allows for a satisfying character arc for him. Surprisingly, this character was actually seen in the first season, cleverly tying back to the show’s beginnings. Furthermore, the advice Mob gives him demonstrates how much our protagonist has grown.

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Mob Psycho 100 Now Ventures into UFO Territory

Telepaths and evil spirits might be sufficient for one anime, but Mob Psycho 100 is now venturing into the realm of UFOs. Based on recent events in the show, this seemingly innocent trip by the Telepathy Club to spot aliens is likely to evolve into something much grander and more significant.

Reigen Makes a Comeback

This plotline also marks the return of Reigen, much to the audience’s relief. While the past few episodes have been fantastic, it has been challenging not having our favorite con-man on screen for an extended period. However, even in his limited screen time near the end of the episode, he continues to bring the laughs. Fortunately, it seems like we’ll get to see a lot more of him in the next episode, and we absolutely can’t wait for that!

Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 Episode 8 will premiere on Crunchyroll on November 23.

If you want to read more about Mob Psycho Season 3, check out our other episodic reviews here.

So grab your popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in the electrifying world of Mob Psycho 100!