More Than A Married Couple But Not Lovers Episode 12: A Surprising Twist!

more than a married couple but not lovers episode 12

More Than A Married Couple, the highly anticipated series finale, aired on December 25th. In this episode, we finally discover if Akari truly falls in love with Jiro. But beware, spoilers ahead!

The Awkwardness of Love

The episode begins with Akari, seeking solace at the shrine just like she did in the first episode. She confesses that she likes someone else now, but wonders if she has any chance of being with him. Meanwhile, both Shiori and Jiro are lost in their thoughts about the kiss they shared the previous night.

Anxious Hearts

Shiori and Jiro both struggle with their feelings for each other. Shiori wonders if Jiro also has feelings for Akari, given how much time they spend together. Jiro, on the other hand, is confused by Shiori’s sudden apology after the kiss. Doubt plagues their minds, preventing them from expressing their love.

A Casual Encounter

As Jiro contemplates their situation, he crosses paths with Shiori at the market. After an initial awkwardness, Shiori invites him to her home due to the rain and their lack of an umbrella. Jiro is taken aback by the invitation but agrees nonetheless. Shiori has always dreamed of being a married couple with Jiro, even playfully calling him “Hubby.” Yet, neither can muster the courage to openly express their feelings.

A Glimmer of Hope

Jiro struggles to find the right words while Shiori reads. His intense gaze catches her attention, but before she can inquire further, Shiori retreats to her room, filled with anxiety. She questions if Jiro has grown bored of her. Jiro, confused by her sudden change, wonders if she no longer likes him. However, Shiori returns with a smile, asking him to look outside the window where a rainbow graces the sky.

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They venture outside together, capturing a selfie as a couple for the first time. Although their anxieties lessen, Jiro’s attention is caught by a photo of him and his friends, including Akari. Seeing Akari’s smiling face, he refrains from mentioning the events of the previous night to Shiori.

Akari’s Secret Love

Episode 12 reveals a pleasant surprise – Akari has fallen in love with Jiro! Although Akari keeps her feelings to herself, the signs are evident. Jiro finds himself lying on Akari’s bed, contemplating his inability to express his feelings to Shiori when he receives a flood of messages on his phone. To his surprise, they are from Akari, inviting him on a date at Seishun Station.

Jiro is perplexed by her invitation, as they are on summer break and not officially a couple. Nevertheless, he arrives at the designated spot 10 minutes early. As time passes with no sign of Akari, he considers leaving, suspecting a prank. Just as he is about to turn back, Akari appears, apologizing for her lateness. She explains that she took the time to choose a nice dress for their date.

Akari leads Jiro on a fun-filled day, visiting various places together. Their date becomes more natural and less awkward. Jiro wonders if Akari has changed or if this is her true self. His perception deepens when he witnesses Akari’s joy playing with cats at a cat café.

A Shared Wish

As their day comes to an end, Akari reveals her fear of being alone one day and becomes emotional. Suddenly, she remembers that she forgot to buy a charm for the shrine where she prays and rushes towards it. Jiro follows closely behind.

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On their way, they encounter Shiori. In a moment of spontaneity, Shiori challenges Akari to a race to the shrine. Surprisingly, they arrive at the shrine simultaneously. Jiro, carrying their belongings, watches as they pray together, silently making their wishes.

The Unresolved Love Triangle

The anime leaves us hanging as to whom Jiro will ultimately choose between Akari and Shiori. Season 1 primarily focused on Jiro and Akari’s evolving relationship, hinting at a potential love triangle between the three characters.

If there is a second season, it is likely that Jiro will end up with Akari. The first season laid the foundation for their bond, leaving room for further exploration in future episodes.

Jiro’s Unspoken Wish

Jiro’s wish at the shrine remains a mystery in the anime. However, there are clues that shed light on his desires. Caught between Akari and Shiori, Jiro is uncertain about his true feelings. It is highly plausible that he wished for guidance in his love life or the strength to make a decision.

What are your thoughts on this analysis? Share your views in the comments below!

The Future Unfolds

In the final episode of More Than A Married Couple But Not Lovers, Jiro is still unsure about his true feelings. While the relationship between him and Shiori remains awkward despite their kiss, Akari successfully creates a memorable date. Fans must eagerly await the potential second season to see how the relationships between Shiori, Akari, and Jiro progress.

Fecomic hopes you’ve enjoyed this recap of More Than A Married Couple But Not Lovers Episode 12! Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

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