Mushoku Tensei Volume 24

A Story of Redemption and Hope


In the world of Armored Dragon Calendar Year 500, there lived a young girl named the Playback Miko. Her eyes, like those of the dead, held a blankness that reflected only despair. Ostracized by the adults around her, she was condemned to a life of solitude and ominousness. But this girl carried a power within her, the power to rewind time of an object by 24 hours. However, this power only brought her suffering and imprisonment, as she was exploited by the King to heal his ailments and injuries. Her fate seemed inescapable, her life a never-ending cycle of death and despair.

The Endless Cycle

The girl’s life unfolded in a repeated pattern, with only minor variations. She died in countless ways, a victim of cruelty, invasion, and massacre. Her power, once a glimmer of hope, became her burden, shackling her in the prison of the Royal Palace. As the years passed, she lost count of her deaths, but the memories of her killings remained as vivid as ever. Within this cycle of despair, the girl longed for salvation, for someone to save her from this never-ending hell.

The Arrival of a Boy

One day, when the girl turned 10, a boy was summoned from another world. This event, unprecedented in all her lives, sparked a glimmer of hope within her heart. As the girl became an interpreter for the boy, their interactions brought joy and laughter amidst the darkness. The boy’s tales of his world opened up a new perspective for the girl, allowing her to experience the wonders of life she had never known before.

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The Betrayal of Fate

But fate had a cruel twist in store. As war engulfed the country, the boy, ill-prepared for battle, was sent to the front lines. Ignorant of the true purpose of his summoning, he fought valiantly but fell victim to the cruelty of war. The girl, holding the lifeless body of the boy, desperately tried to rewind time to save him, but her power had its limits. As the country fell and she was captured, the girl cried out in anguish, questioning why she had to endure such suffering.

A New Beginning

Yet, in the depths of her despair, a newfound determination ignited within the girl. She no longer wanted to die, nor did she want to be saved. She wanted to live, to live with the boy who had brought light to her once-dark life. With all her strength, she rewound time, hoping to create a future where they could be together. But her power clashed with the world, altering the course of history in unforeseen ways. The consequences of her actions remained unknown.

The Birth of Rudeus Greyrat

In the midst of this upheaval, a soul found its way into the world. Rudeus Greyrat, unaware of his connection to the girl or the boy, became a catalyst for change. The world shifted, destinies were rewritten, and a new path was forged. Yet, as the girl was reborn in this final world, her powers were drained, leaving her weakened and uncertain of her fate.


As the story of Rudeus Greyrat, the former NEET, comes to an end, the author reflects on the journey that spanned two years and over 2.8 million characters. The support and encouragement of readers propelled the story to the top of the charts, giving the author the confidence to continue writing. While the future remains uncertain, the author expresses gratitude for the readership and hints at future volumes that delve deeper into Rudeus’s life and the lives of other characters.

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