My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 25: Explosive Growth and Unexpected Mentorship

Video my hero academia season 5 episode 25

my hero academia season 5 episode 25

All of Class 1-A’s best students finally get their time to shine in the latest episode of My Hero Academia Season 5. The spotlight falls on Yuga Aoyama, Toru Hagakure, and Mina Ashido as they demonstrate their new Super Moves, adding a dose of humor with a clever nod to Terminator and Skynet. Aoyama’s Navel Saber is hilariously ridiculous, striking a perfect balance between absurdity and crude humor. These upgraded abilities set the stage for these heroes to become even more valuable as the series progresses.

Pro Hero #9, Yoroi Musha, deserves credit for the significant progress made by these characters. Despite not having their own dedicated training episodes like Uraraka and Asui, “The High, Deep Blue Sky” effectively showcases their newfound skills. Ashido compares her Acidman technique to Kirishima’s Red Riot Unbreakable, potentially setting the stage for a future collaboration between these two overlooked characters.

The episode culminates in an extended display of Quirk Super Moves, which may feel a bit excessive, especially after the events of the Joint Training Competition. However, it serves a purpose by allowing Endeavor’s star pupils to showcase their growth, including Deku’s stabilized version of Black Whip. These dazzling demonstrations of power are undeniably exciting, with even Mineta managing to appear mildly intimidating. Yet, the true highlight lies in All Might’s overwhelming pride in Midoriya’s growth since receiving the One For All Quirk. It’s a touching moment where the mentor begins to see Deku as an equal, even if he doesn’t say it outright. His reflective moment with Shota Aizawa, contemplating the extraordinary group of heroes they have nurtured, is equally poignant.

As a sign of his admiration and trust, All Might shares his research on One For All with both Midoriya and Bakugo. This finale mirrors the previous season’s conclusion, leaving viewers with a sense of hopeful contemplation. Midoriya’s deeper understanding of his Quirk hints at what lies ahead in My Hero Academia and the challenges he will face. With Blackwhip under control, Deku’s next hurdle is tapping into Nana Shimura’s Float Quirk. The contrast between Midoriya and Bakugo in this aspect continues to be a fantastic dynamic. Bakugo’s excitement over possessing a Quirk with floating properties, believing he is superior to Midoriya, adds an adorable touch. Sharing this experience with his fiery friend has been a brilliant move by My Hero Academia.

In conclusion, Episode 25 of My Hero Academia Season 5 showcases the growth of Class 1-A’s underrated students and emphasizes the mentorship between All Might and Midoriya. With tantalizing hints about Deku’s future challenges, this episode leaves fans eagerly anticipating what’s to come. Watch the episode now on Fecomic and witness the explosive character development firsthand!