My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 24: An Unforgettable Heartbreak

My Hero Academia Season 6 delivered an episode that broke hearts and left an everlasting impression on viewers. From the beginning to the end, episode 24 was a rollercoaster of emotions that showcased the power of storytelling and character growth.

Ochako Uraraka Shines

Undoubtedly, the star of this episode was Ochako (CV: Ayane Sakura). Her performance was nothing short of incredible, leaving the audience in awe. Sakura’s voice cracked with emotion as Ochako delivered her powerful speech, captivating everyone who listened. It felt like I was right there at U.A. High School, experiencing the moment myself.

Ochako’s words were more than just a declaration. They represented her belief in what a hero truly is and how they should be embraced. It was evident that her words came from experience and passion, rather than exhaustion or anger. As a bystander turned hero, Ochako’s journey resonated with many, including Hawks.

A Funeral without Death

This episode was heart-wrenching in ways that surpassed the need for a character death. It felt like a funeral, with Endeavor dressed in black, the disdain on everyone’s faces, and the rain falling. The production staff did an outstanding job of capturing the weight of the moment through the smallest details.

The writing itself was flawless, evoking a sense of sorrow that wouldn’t have been possible without the melancholic piano composition and Deku’s tears. The impact of Ochako’s words extended beyond the citizens; it was a cry to reach Deku, to remind him of his worth as a hero and as a friend. This episode marked the death of the previous arc’s Deku and the emergence of a new hero.

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Little Details, Big Impact

The episode’s brilliance lay in the attention given to the little details. Kota, the first hero Deku saved, became the first citizen to embrace him, highlighting Ochako’s point about the power of heroes. Deku’s mother’s brief yet emotional moments added another layer of depth to the scene.

Moreover, the citizens who initially rejected Deku’s heroism came together to apologize, reminiscent of the iconic moment in Spider-Man 2. My Hero Academia took this concept and elevated it, delivering a profound message that left me in tears.

A Perfect Ending

The episode’s ending was equally perfect. All Might’s absence at UA while Stain returns and continues to follow him left us on a tantalizing cliffhanger. This emotionally charged episode showed the power of character development and the significance of a side character’s impact on the story.

In terms of emotional depth and storytelling, episode 24 of My Hero Academia Season 6 surpassed all expectations. It left a lasting impression on me, unlike any other episode from this season or any other series. This episode deserves a perfect score.

If you enjoyed My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 24, be sure to vote for it in our weekly poll! The season finale, titled “No Man Is an Island,” will air on Saturday, March 25.

Images via Crunchyroll