Nagisa Hazuki Birthday: Finding Puppy Love on Iwatobi Beach 💛🐧


Have you ever experienced that heart-fluttering feeling when meeting someone new? Well, let me share with you a story about a chance encounter on the beautiful shores of Iwatobi beach that led to something truly special. This is the tale of Nagisa Hazuki’s birthday celebration and how a playful puppy brought two hearts together in the most adorable way possible.

A Friendship Blossoms

Under the warm sun, as you strolled along Iwatobi beach, a certain golden retriever named Sunny tugged on his leash, urging you towards the expansive shoreline. Eager to let your new furry friend explore, you decided to dip your toes into the refreshing waters. Little did you know, this decision would introduce you to a boy who would leave an everlasting mark on your heart.

As you played in the water with Sunny, you noticed a blonde boy, splashing and swimming nearby. Something about him caught your attention, and it seemed that Sunny felt the same way. The pup’s excited barking reached the boy’s ears, and he swam over, his magenta eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“Wow, your dog is so adorable!” he exclaimed, his genuine enthusiasm shining through. You couldn’t help but smile, resisting the urge to tell him that he was equally as adorable.

“Thank you! His name is Sunny. Would you like to pet him?” you offered, extending an invitation that he gladly accepted. As his wet hand gently stroked Sunny’s fur, a bond began to form between you and the boy named Nagisa.

Puppy Love at First Sight

With Sunny happily wagging his tail, you and Nagisa struck up a conversation. Time seemed to fly by as you got to know each other better. However, Nagisa’s friends called for him, reluctantly interrupting your pleasant interaction. Before leaving, he mustered up the courage to invite you to hang out sometime. Blushing, you eagerly agreed, secretly thrilled by the prospect of spending more time with Nagisa.

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As the day wore on, and night blanketed the sky, thoughts of Nagisa lingered in your mind. Finally, unable to resist any longer, you reached for your phone and found Nagisa’s contact. The sight of his name, adorned with the emoticons 💛🐧, brought a smile to your face. Feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, you sent him a message: “Hey! (Y/n) here :)”

To your delight, Nagisa replied almost instantly, expressing his happiness that you had reached out. What followed was a series of messages that continued into the early hours of the morning. The conversation was so engaging that you both lost track of time, only realizing the lateness of the hour when fatigue began to take hold.

“Time flies when you’re having fun! Let’s get some sleep, talk tomorrow?” you suggested, feeling a twinge of disappointment that the conversation had to end. However, Nagisa’s response rekindled your excitement: “Wow! I’ll message you as soon as I wake up. If you’re free, maybe we could do something?”

Heart aflutter, you eagerly replied, suggesting a visit to the new café in town known for its delicious sweets. Nagisa agreed enthusiastically, and plans were made to meet at noon by the beach where you first crossed paths.

Puppy Love Strikes

With your phone turned off and placed on your nightstand, you tried to calm your racing heart. You couldn’t help but feel a connection with Nagisa, even though you had only known him for a day. As you gazed at the ceiling, the realization struck you—this was more than just a crush. It was puppy love.

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The next morning, as you prepared for your exciting outing, a text from Nagisa arrived. “And maybe after we could walk Sunny together :)” he suggested, leaving you with a warm feeling and a smile that refused to leave your face. You finally understood why your heart raced whenever you thought of him—Nagisa’s presence ignited a flame in your heart that only puppy love could explain.


Nagisa Hazuki’s birthday celebration may have been belated, but the memories created on Iwatobi beach were priceless. In the simplest of moments, a playful puppy and a chance encounter led to a connection that would blossom into something beautiful. Puppy love had shown its magic, bringing two souls together on a journey filled with laughter, companionship, and sweet moments shared by the shore.

So, if you ever find yourself walking along the sandy beaches of Iwatobi, remember that the next person you meet could be the beginning of your own heartwarming tale. Embrace the unexpected, for love may be waiting just around the corner.
