Natsume Yuujinchou Go: A Review

Natsume Yuujinchou Go is back with a bang! If you’re looking for a show that brings comfort and familiarity, this is the one for you. Despite the four-year hiatus, the first episode of this sequel feels like it was just yesterday. The music, visuals, and characters all remain true to the essence of the series. It’s a slow-burning franchise that gradually develops over time, and this season is no different.

A Journey to Remember

If you haven’t been following Natsume’s journey until now, this is not the place to start. I strongly recommend going back and watching the previous four seasons. The story revolves around Natsume, a boy with the ability to see youkai. But unlike other series, this isn’t about supernatural battles. It’s about Natsume’s struggle to be understood, as he was labeled crazy due to his unique gift. With a difficult childhood and being raised by people who couldn’t comprehend his experiences, Natsume has come a long way. This season focuses on his growth and ability to find happiness.


The Unveiling of a Mysterious Past

This episode gives us a glimpse into Natsume’s past and his connection to Reiko, his ancestor. We finally hear mention of a possible grandfather, a missing figure in Natsume’s life. The truth about Reiko’s actions is also revealed, proving that she didn’t steal out of spite but embarked on a noble quest. Unfortunately, her good intentions were met with scorn and misunderstanding. It’s heartbreaking to see how the family suffered due to their unique abilities.


The Burden of Secrecy

Natsume’s struggle to pretend everything is fine while being treated poorly by his relatives is truly devastating. It’s frustrating to watch him bear the weight of their ignorance and maintain a façade of politeness to extract information. But Natsume is not alone; he has a few trusted friends with whom he can be his true self.

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A Bizarre Youkai Encounter

Kayatsubo, one of the youkai we meet in this episode, is undeniably creepy. Even other youkai find her insane. Her twisted perspective and detached mental processes make her difficult to understand. While Reiko’s actions were innocent, Kayatsubo’s inability to recognize the doll she claimed as her own showcases her broken nature. The treatment Reiko’s family endured is a stark reminder of the misunderstandings that arise when people cannot comprehend what they cannot see.

Music and Visuals

The opening and ending themes of Natsume Yuujinchou Go may not be the strongest in the franchise, but they still manage to capture the essence of the series. The shots in the opening sequence pay homage to previous episodes and beloved characters, evoking a sense of nostalgia. Although the ending theme lacks visual storytelling, the song itself is powerful and adds depth to the overall experience.


Moving Forward with Natsume

Natsume Yuujinchou Go continues to captivate viewers with its emotionally-driven stories and character development. This season promises slow but steady progression, making us invested in the lives of the characters. The meeting between Natsume and his relative serves as another emotional highlight, highlighting the bittersweet nature of their relationship. I, for one, am excited to see what the next episode holds.

Don’t miss out on this heartwarming and captivating series. Catch up on Natsume Yuujinchou Go now and join us on this enchanting journey.
