One Piece Manga Chapter 894: Luffy’s Evolution and Big Mom’s Fate

one piece manga chapter 894

Through relentless determination and countless battles against the powerful Katakuri, Luffy’s Kenbunshoku Haki has reached new heights. He has developed a form of Gear Fourth that maximizes his heightened Haki, bridging the gap between him and the formidable Katakuri. The intense training and enduring beatings have paid off, as Luffy can now counter Katakuri’s precognition abilities.

In this chapter, Luffy not only defends against Katakuri’s attacks but also lands counterattacks. Although Katakuri still maintains his dominance, it is evident that Luffy has gained a better grasp of his Kenbunshoku Haki and can predict Katakuri’s moves more accurately. Each blow becomes increasingly difficult for Katakuri to land on Luffy.

Interestingly, as Luffy evolves his fighting style to overcome Katakuri’s prowess, Katakuri himself realizes the need to adapt. Once effortlessly overpowering Luffy, Katakuri now pushes himself to the limits to match Luffy’s growing capabilities. Focused solely on attacking the evolving Luffy, Katakuri’s defense weakens, providing openings for Luffy to strike.

In his Snake Man form, Luffy will utilize the coiling abilities of snakes to enhance his speed and attacks. Similar to the Boa sisters, who combined their Devil Fruit powers with Haki to evade Luffy’s attacks, Luffy in Snake Man form will possess greater freedom of movement, allowing him to dodge instantaneously with his Kenbunshoku Haki. Katakuri has become Luffy’s teacher, showcasing the possibilities Haki can unlock in combining it with Devil Fruit abilities. Luffy closely observed Katakuri’s techniques, inspiring his new form.

The fate of Big Mom remains uncertain. Bege successfully leads her away from Cocao Island, and with Chiffon’s request, Big Mom will be lured even farther from Liqeur Island. Unless unforeseen circumstances force them back to Cocao Island, Big Mom may not encounter the Straw Hat Pirates again in this arc. However, it raises the question of whether Big Mom’s story in this arc will conclude anticlimactically without the Straw Hat Pirates’ involvement. As all other plot points converge on Cocao Island, it seems likely that Big Mom will have a significant role to play there. Will a third-party intervention be introduced to handle Big Mom? If so, this would be the perfect opportunity, as the Big Mom Pirates’ communication network is down.

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Smoothie, one of the Charlotte family members and a prominent antagonist, finally reveals her fighting capabilities. However, considering how late it is in the arc, it remains to be seen if she will have a proper battle against the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies. Smoothie possesses the ability to enlarge herself, seemingly as a consequence of the juices she extracts from her victims. She uses her giant form to launch sword attacks, aiming to sink the Thousand Sunny. However, thanks to Jinbe’s exceptional steering skills and navigational guidance from Nami, the Straw Hat Pirates successfully evade Smoothie’s onslaught. Undoubtedly, Smoothie will have a more prominent role in battle once the Germa arrive.

With a significant number of the Charlotte family’s children gathering on Cocao Island and Sanji en route with Pudding, it appears that Sanji will finally have his moment to shine in battle. The recent chapters have emphasized Katakuri’s extraordinary ability to glimpse into the future, highlighting the moment when Sanji effortlessly dodged one of his attacks. As one of the strongest characters in the story, especially in terms of Kenbunshoku Haki, Katakuri’s attack being evaded by Sanji indicates that Sanji has an exceptional grasp of this Haki. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before Oda-sensei provides Sanji with the opportunity to truly showcase his skills. Sanji will likely not face the Charlotte family alone on Cocao Island; his brothers Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji will join him. Judge may also be involved, unless Oda-sensei has reserved him for an encounter with Caesar. The next chapter holds immense anticipation.

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