Psycho Pass Risa: Secrets Unveiled!

psycho pass risa

The Significance of Aoyanagi’s Death

In episode 4 of Psycho Pass, Aoyanagi’s death holds a deeper meaning than just a mere shock tactic. Contrary to popular belief, her demise signifies a profound dilemma faced by individuals in the Sybil era.

Becoming an inspector is an incredibly rare achievement in this society. Only the most exceptional individuals, handpicked by Sybil, can acquire this honorable position. Mika’s stubbornness stems from her own success as an inspector at a young age, emphasizing her status as an exemplary citizen. It’s important to consider that, according to Sybil’s standards, Mika represents the ideal citizen, while Akane is the exception.

Aoyanagi’s death reflects a similar conflict portrayed in Makishima and Akane’s confrontation in episode 11. It symbolizes the struggle between following the mandates of Sybil (using the Dominator) or exercising free will (using the gun). Despite her outstanding qualities, Aoyanagi’s mind remains chained by Sybil’s categorical imperative. Even when faced with evidence that the Dominator is ineffective against the criminal, she instinctively reaches for the weapon.


It’s only when her Psycho Pass becomes heavily clouded that she resorts to using the glass shards, causing a personal shock to the criminal and ultimately destroying him with the Dominator.


Aoyanagi’s actions confirm what the criminal was implying from the beginning. By experiencing extreme stress and clouding her hue, she defies Sybil’s definition of an exemplary citizen. This defiance grants her the opportunity to regain her life, free will, and the ability to think. This mirrors Makishima’s approach with Akane, as he pushes her into an incredibly stressful situation to witness her liberation from Sybil’s judgment.

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