Rachel Gardner Age: Unleashing Sass and Compassion


Rachel Gardner is not your typical leader. She exudes sass, grace, and compassion in her roles as the president of Girls’ Brigade England & Wales, relationship lead at the charity Youthscape, and an in-demand speaker at Christian festivals. In her newly published book, “The Girl De-Construction Project: Wildness, wonder and being a woman,” Rachel shares her wisdom with kindness and, of course, sass.

Fighting for Respect: Rachel Takes on Misogynistic Advertising

Last summer, Rachel stumbled upon a disturbing sign in a popular clothing store frequented by teenagers. The sign read, “Send me nudes.” Feeling compelled to speak up for the girls she works with, who have been sexually exploited and pressured into sharing explicit images, Rachel launched a petition demanding that the store “respect girls more.” Within days, her campaign gained national attention, and the sign was taken down. But Rachel didn’t stop there. She personally visited the store, thanking the staff for their cooperation and emphasizing that her fight was against the higher-ups who made the decision. Her perseverance and determination have made her a force to be reckoned with.

From God Sex Lady to Inspirational Speaker

Rachel’s passion for youth work and her ability to communicate Christian beliefs about sex in a relevant way have earned her the title of the “God Sex Lady.” In 2005, her groundbreaking project, featured in the BBC documentary “No Sex Please, We’re Teenagers,” challenged non-Christian participants to abstain from sexual activity. The experiment proved that abstaining from sex could be liberating, debunking the widely held belief that young people need to engage in sexual activity to feel fulfilled. Rachel’s work continues to make a positive impact and speak to the hearts of young people.

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Bridging the Gap: Navigating the Culture’s View on Sex

Navigating the cultural divide between the Christian view on sex and the prevailing perspective can be challenging. Rachel believes that sex goes beyond physicality and holds a divine element. She emphasizes the importance of emotional intimacy and connection, even if a relationship isn’t officially labeled. Culture often diminishes young people’s consent, leading them to believe that saying “no” isn’t a genuine option. Rachel encourages open discussions about sex in the church to remove shame and foster understanding.

Creating Space for Teenagers in the Church

Rachel acknowledges that many churches struggle to engage and retain teenagers. A lack of vision, strategy, and preparation often leads to young people feeling disconnected from the church. Rachel advocates for churches to become a family that welcomes all generations, where no one feels excluded. She believes that even smaller churches can have a significant impact on teenagers’ lives if they invest their effort and attention in just a few.

Building Bridges between Generations

The ever-widening divide between old and young seems more pronounced than ever. Rachel suggests that the key to healing this divide lies in understanding and empathy. Both the older and younger generations need to listen to each other’s perspectives and create spaces for open dialogue. Rachel also emphasizes that youth ministry should be a collaborative effort within the church, where everyone sees themselves as a family, regardless of age. Breaking out of social media echo chambers is also crucial, as it allows young people to engage with different perspectives.

The Girl De-Construction Project: Empowering Confidence

Rachel’s latest book, “The Girl De-Construction Project,” was born out of a stunning revelation. After analyzing responses from 1,000 girls aged 15 to 25, Rachel discovered that 95% of them desired to be confident. This realization led her to explore the barriers preventing girls from gaining confidence and to challenge societal perceptions that discourage women from seizing opportunities and embracing their potential. Rachel encourages girls and women to step out of their comfort zones and embark on a journey of courage.

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Adoption: A Journey of Love and Blessings

Rachel and her husband faced a decade-long struggle with infertility before exploring the option of adoption. Their journey involved deconstructing traditional notions of parenthood and embracing the idea of adoption as a gift and blessing. Adopting their daughter has deepened Rachel’s understanding of God’s adoption of humanity into His family. It has taught her that God knows everything about us and is willing to move heaven and earth to be with us.

Spreading the Word: Rachel’s Preaching Adventures

As Rachel continues to travel across the UK and beyond, preaching and sharing her wisdom, she remains humble about her remarkable journey. From her early experiences as head girl at school to overcoming a speech impediment through the mentorship of her drama teacher, Rachel has learned to trust in God and develop a deeper intimacy with Him. She believes that the most effective preaching happens when speakers pass on the authentic discoveries they have made in their own spiritual journeys.

To listen to the full interview with Rachel Gardner on Premier Christian Radio or to download The Profile podcast, tune in at 4pm on Saturday, September 15th.

Click here to request a free copy of Fecomic magazine, featuring Rachel Gardner’s column in Premier Youth and Children’s Work magazine.


All photos (c) Alex Baker